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Ooops! I forgot to share.

Rags's picture

H and I celebrated our 18th anniversary on July 31. My parents, brother, SIL, two nephews and our son were there.

H looked amazing. She has busted her butt to lose 35lbs in the past 9 mos and everyone was very complimentary of her new level of fitness.

I toasted my wife and my son on our anniversary. It is his anniversary too. He has been a major focus of our lives and marriage since day one.

I will say though that we are totally enjoying being an empty nester DINK household. Dirol
Time for me to get serious about my own fitness before my bride starts looking for a boy toy.

Here is to 18 more years with my amazing wife and with an option for 18 more after that.


BSgoinon's picture

That is wonderful Rags! Congrats to your family on your anniversary! Many more happy years to come to you!