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BioMom to StepMom Letter on StepFamily Letter Project

Rags's picture


Check this out.

This is a very cool letter from a BioMom to a StepMom that I just found on StepFamily Letter Project.


Best regards,

Dear stepmom
•August 10, 2010 • 1 Comment

I just dropped my son off with you so he can live his dad and I’m not overlooking the fact that you will be taking care of him as well.

I know you and I have had our differences over the years. At times we could have killed each other. But I’m glad to see that both of us learned our respective places and have grown up enough to accept each other. It wasn’t until I became a step mom myself that I realized all the lines I crossed with you and I am sorry. I try to mind my manners now and I’m thankful that you do too. I guess it took you realizing that I wasn’t going anywhere to accept me and I’m sure it wasn’t easy for you, so thank you.

It kills me for my son to prefer it over there instead of with me, but I suppose that’s his M.O. He has been swapping between our houses for years now and I’m sure he will want to come back with me again soon enough. But I want you to know I thank you for dealing with this when you don’t have to. And being such a lady about it.

I wish there was more I could do to help you. I feel guilty for putting him on you like this. I know that’s what my ex expects of you and you feel obligated to do it but that doesn’t mean you have to…but you do anyway (when it’s hard for you I’m sure) because it’s the right thing so thank you, again.

P.S My ex better be good to you or he will have to deal with us both!


Bio Mom


Anon2009's picture

That was great and even though I don't know this BM, I'm proud of her for having the ability to write that. I don't think I'll ever get any letter like that from my SDs' BM, and I'm not holding my breath waiting for one.

stepmom31's picture

I just know that if BM became a stepmom, it'd be like winning the lottery for me. Blum 3
I'm not that lucky though, her current boyfriend is a single guy with no kids, and quite frankly I'm hoping she settles down, for the sake of her kids.

JustAnotherSM's picture

My BM is on her way to becoming a SM to 3 little kids since she decided to break up another marriage last year. I don't want any letter like this from her. I just want Karma to give BM her just rewards. }:)