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sound advice from a stranger

Raggles's picture

I met a lovely lady today who after chatting for a while told me she left her husband after 33yrs. Best thing she has done in her life.

Went on to tell me all her about her skids and how her SD was always drapping herself all over her husband and how she was always made to feel like the one in the wrong if she insisted on manners and respect from her SD, which she never got.

She is the first lady ive spoken with in person that truely understood how i feel.

Her advice - stay well away from blokes with kids until they have all left home (assuming they do leave!!!)

She madee feel that it wasnt always my fault the way i feel about SO and his crappy parenting. The decision to move out and going back to living with just my daughter and myself is the right thing to do.


hereiam's picture

I think it's best to stay living separately long enough to see what the true situation is, how the man parents, and the parent/child dynamic.

The kids leaving home doesn't always mean much, as we see in some of these situations on here.