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Raggles's picture

Counselling for SD17 and oh my lord does she hate it!
Im fed up with her sullen attitude, not joining in family life and grunting at me. she expects daddkins to do everything for her and im sick of it.

So appointment is at 1pm daddy is taking her and i have the house to myself!
Cant wait for the aftermath of this....


BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I got DH on board with this 2 years ago when SD19 was 17. She went to one session. Then after BM died, I told DH that the Skids really needed a therapist to talk to. SD19, 18 at the time, went for three sessions and started keeping a food diary. She never spoke about her BM dying. This past summer with her attitude, I was gentle and asked if she needed to speak to someone, it would make her feel better. She tore my head off and proceeded to tell me she was fine.


~ Moon

Raggles's picture

Well she said it went ok and has agreed to go.back so there is hope Smile

Grunting - i hate with a passion. So rude and i will ignore her until she has learnt some manners and speaks to me, but as she doesnt want to be around me and therefore will not speak to me win win situation!

Raggles's picture

Notsam - no plans for her future whatsoever. At present she is in yr 1 of her sports diploma. All she is interested in is swimming/training that doesnt involve communicating with anyone. No future to support herself at all.