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Raggles's picture

Made my stomach heave this morning.

was listening to SO talking to SD18 and he called her 'dear'
This is what he calls me alot of the time and now i feel sick. I did question it with hin and his response was ...'what??? I do it all the time'
I told him dont ever call me that again.

Dont think he gets it at all!


JustAgirl42's picture

I heard my FDH say 'I love you the most' to SD12 a little while back...he didn't know I heard. It made me feel kinda weird. I don't know if he was telling her that he loves her the most out of everyone in his life, or if he was responding to her maybe saying 'I love you more'.

He also calls both of us 'honey' and I hate it because we never know who he's addressing. Plus, it sort of puts us on the same level.

ETexasMom's picture

I flat out told DH when he does our endearments with the Skids that it's a huge turn off! Once he realized it was cutting into me being attracted to him he has been more careful.

katielee's picture

My DH used to call me AND my SD14 "Baby." It got so bad neither one of us knew which one he was talking to at times. I told him enough is enough. If he is going to call me baby, I'd better NEVER hear him call her that again. Or he could choose another nickname for me that is mine alone, but I will NOT share a nickname with her.

My SD14 is a mini-wife so everything we did together that was ours alone she tried to horn in on...every little cutesy thing between us she tried to make hers and his. It is disgusting. I had to throw a lot of shit fits with my DH to get him to see what was going on, but I think he's finally learned. We haven't had this issue in a long time.

katielee's picture

My DH used to call me AND my SD14 "Baby." It got so bad neither one of us knew which one he was talking to at times. I told him enough is enough. If he is going to call me baby, I'd better NEVER hear him call her that again. Or he could choose another nickname for me that is mine alone, but I will NOT share a nickname with her.

My SD14 is a mini-wife so everything we did together that was ours alone she tried to horn in on...every little cutesy thing between us she tried to make hers and his. It is disgusting. I had to throw a lot of shit fits with my DH to get him to see what was going on, but I think he's finally learned. We haven't had this issue in a long time.

hereiam's picture

I really wouldn't let it bother you so much, it's a very common term of endearment. Honey, dear, baby, all very common. I call my DH "honey", I also call my niece "honey". It's not that big of a deal, I love them both.

My DH calls his daughter "honey" if he really wants to get through to her about something or if she's upset, so what? It doesn't mean he's thinking of her in a sexual manner and it doesn't bother me AT ALL, why should it? He loves her.

Now, if he had a truly special name for you, like "ookie, pookie honey bear", and then he called his daughter that, that might be weird, but "dear"? Seriously?