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that bloody bm.

QUINJAI3's picture

hi to all,
this puerly going to be a vent. you see it is school hoildays as of today and for the next 2 weeks as per current court order we are allowed 1 whole week of the school hoildays, so we wanted to pick up sd-6 tonight through to friday next week which then happens to be our regular access weekend from friday til sunday but the bm is refusing to allow us access until sunday stating that she doesn't want to miss out on her weekend with sd yet it's not what the papers say but as they do not have a specific pick up drop off time we don't think we can do anything.i hate the current orders...

i'm so sick of this womean finding loop holes or simply denying access to suit her and we lose more and more time with sd, i can not stand this woman she doesn't even have sd during the week as her partner picks up sd from after school care at dinner time and by the time the bm gets home it is sd bedtime and then on sundays sd goes to her grandmothers so i don't see how this woman even cares about her time with sd as sd always seems to be left with everyone else except us and her own mother. it always seems that she doesn't want sd but she doesn't want us to have sd more and i can't stand it expecially know we know for sure that sd does genuanly wants to be with us and i think this has sent that stupid cow over whatever little edge she was on and now she is hell bent on denying us sd as much as she can get away with. the next court hearing couldn't come any sooner i'm counting down the days til octomber 19th which is 3 weeks from today at 10am as it gets the ball rolling for the amendments to the current orders and i can't wait to her what bm has to say about us as we have a whole defence with evidence to strengthen our arguement we just know need to find a good lawyer who wont stuff things up for us as did our last lawyer which lost us our extented time last time due to not getting the proper documents to court in enough time to be counted towards our argument.

i hate lawyers, i hate the court system and above all i can not stand people who dont consider the childs wants and needs when acting ie bms