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Wish my son luck for when he gets home!!!

purpledaisies's picture

My son is not doing so well in math. He can do it he just chooses not to. He told me he could get tutoring in school. So I thought he was getting it during school hours and not after.

I got a call from his teacher and she wanted to see if I could have him commit to just 1 day a week to stay after school for to tutoring. So after we talking we realize that he lied to me and to her by telling her that he has way too much to do after school to do tutoring.

So anyway I told her that he should be going all 3 days a week after school for this little trick he tried to pull and that he is full of it. He doesn't do anything after school! I will be taking his games and his cell from him too. GGGRRRR! I want to chock him!


Rags's picture

lol! Biggrin

Not to make light of your situation but we had a very similar adventure with our son (my SS) his sophomore year of HS. He was supposedly in swimming and track his sophomore year. Most of his meets were not held at school. The pool was at a different school and the track was being referb'd at the time so the meets were held all over the district.

At the end of the year his friends threw him a going away party since he was leaving for Military School for is Jr and Sr year. He came home from the party late the night before we left for a vacation to Hawaii part of which was with his HS band.

He walked in from the party, threw us his year book and said "I have to go pack". His mom and I were already packed for Hawaii so we looked through his year book while he packed which was an enlightening experience.

He had not actually joined the track or swimming team, instead joined the Anime' club. There were many comments from his friends about goofing off at school while they were supposed to be at track/swimming, etc.... His mom and I both work so we could not make his meets that were all over the place or we would have busted him earlier.

Apparently several kids had "joined" sports, or so their parents thought, then spent the after school hours playing video games in the computer lab as part of the Anime' club.

We called him in from packing and spent nearly all night dragging the truth out of him with the two parent interrogation tag team.

Since we had already enrolled him in Military School for Jr and Sr year and we and we had already paid for the Hawaii trip there was not much of substance we could to him that would not have been more of a punishment to his mom and I than to him. So, we confiscated his contacts, his phone, his game systems and made him wear Poindexter glasses for his entire Hawaii trip. He attempted to not wear the glasses but since we had paid a fortune for the Hawaii trip and we were not willing to let him not see it by not wearing his glasses we told him to either wear the glasses or that we would duct tape them to his head. He wore the glasses. }:)

He was too old to spank IMHO, on his way to Military School and other than killing him we could not come up with a viable alternative punishment.

Good luck.

purpledaisies's picture

I will be setting him straight when he gets home! What was he thinking? Why did he think I would not find out? I will so be taking his crap away!