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The Weekend: part 1: The Chronicles of a box of maxie pads and ss16

purpledaisies's picture

Fri night ss16 had to work and ss15 had band practice on sat so dh just picked up ss12.

So while ss16 was at work Yucks sister and her friends went over to yucks house and took maxie pads and stuck them on ss16 window and his door to his room. Then they went to where he works and did the same thing to his car. They use a WHOLE box. LOL

While this was funny but very immature and I understand the embarrassing factor to a 16 yr old boy ss16 went off the deep end! He ran after his aunt and was screaming at her and calling her names then he took off in his car and no one could find him. He refused to answer his phone. Then he finally answered around 2 in the morning. Only after yuck called dh and dh tried to call him. So ss16 called yuck and told her that she had no business calling his dad and if he answered to him he would be dead b/c he was going 90 miles an hour! He got home at 2am! Still wouldn't answer the phone to dh. Then yuck wanted dh to come get him b/c they were fighting about the maxie pads and yucks sister but them she changed her mind like usual.

And again ss16 goes unpunished! Yep she refuses to take his car away even after he left and no one knew where he was and he was out after curfew (law) and he refused to answer the phone then the way he treated his aunt!

More to come on this it is too long.