Update on the football game.
When we got there dh had to be on the field so that left me in the stands alone. I was sitting way up and couldn't see so I seen on opening on the front row so i moved however I sat there for like 10 min and then realized I was sitting next to bm's mom!!! :O
Anyway I noticed that bm was on the field and nothing but dads were out there and when they called ss14's name it was just dh's name that was announced too. Bm look on her face was a very upset one. But I just don't understand why she couldn't just let him that moment plus she should have been embarrassed for being the only mom out there! I mean they live with her and she couldn't let him go out there with out her! GGGRRRR
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MOTY awards given out or
MOTY awards given out or something? Wow. I bet she looked foolish too.
A nick name hhmmmm I'll have
A nick name hhmmmm I'll have to think about it as I never really gave her that much thought. LOL. I hope she was very embarrassed but I highly doubt it. She was probably thinking she is a better mom than all the other boy's moms as she was the only one out there! :sick:
I got it Hippo!
I got it Hippo!
BM did the same thing with SS
BM did the same thing with SS - All the dads were out there and here she comes - Shey hadn't even told us it was parent night until that day thinking DH wouldn't be able to make it but he did. BM had told SS, DH already said he wouldn't be there so SS was super excited when we showed up.
Why do all these women think that people buy off on the theory of immaculate conception? Everyone know these kids have fathers.
I know Hippo will tell anyone
I know Hippo will tell anyone that she can that dh left her with the kids with nothing and doesn't do anything or help. The reason I know this is she used to work at KFC and one of the employees was a friend and she said she was sitting in shock as she was talking b/c she knows me and knows I would never be with someone if they didn't take care of their kids. She said after a week or so of this she finally said something to her about it in front of all the other people and hippo never came back to work oh and they never eat at KFC b/c of that. LOL
I knew it was going to be an
I knew it was going to be an all dad thing, that's how football always is. She must have looked the total fool out there, and I'm sure SS was embarrassed by her presence on the field.
I'm so glad that you and your husband were able to go. He must have been very proud out there. Also glad you were able to get a few laughs out of it
I knew it would be an all dad
I knew it would be an all dad thing too but not bm oh no! SS was embarrassed to have her out there you could see it in his face! Poor kid!
What a freaking tool box! I
What a freaking tool box! I can't believe the lengths some women will go to to draw attention to how pathetic they are.
Birthmoms should start a website for BMs to blog on. It should be called "My kids' steps are awesome, but I'm too self absorbed to notice. Dot com." Or maybe "EVERYBODY look at MEEEEE. Dot com." lol.