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Ss15 and this weekend, this is good.

purpledaisies's picture

My mil bought all of us season passes to a theme park about 2 hours from us. this weekend she wanted to take the kids. No bg deal but we were not invited just the kids. Still no big deal however she lives 3 hours from us and not in the same direction as the theme park. So that makes it where either we take the kids or they drive themselves. We thought long and hard on what to do we decided on letting my dd drive (she will be 18 this month and has been driving for 2 years). We didn't make it lightly and understand the concerns involved.

Anyway, at pick up bm was making some nasty remarks about my dd and her driving and trust worthiness. I kept my mouth shut but then talked to my kids about how much we trust them and know they are can this. they are very good responsible kids.

Bm wouldn't shut up then I hear ss15 tell her 'shut up mom there are 2 adults that are taking care of this' bm told him to shut up.

Then at drop off she started in again til ss15 told her the same thing "shut mom"

Dh took bm aside and told her that if she has a problem she needs to address it with him instead of acting the way she is acting. She insisted she didn't have a problem so dh told her that she needs to keep her nasty comments to herself. of course she didn't so ss15 told her again to 'shut up and get in the van'.

Dh told me that ss15 talked to him in frustraton wth his mom and that he likes me and feels he can joke with me and tqalk to me. However he doesn't want to be around his mom. He said he hates her when she talks crap about me and his dad and that the stuff she says is the oppisate of the truth like her saying that dd doesn't look like me. Yes ss15 said all this. He used that as an example as it was fresh.

I feel so bad that he feels that way about his mom.


purpledaisies's picture

He has told him a lot to not disrepect her. he also had a talk wth him later too but ss15 in my experice will continue to do this no matter what dh says. I have even told him several times that she is the only mom he will ever have so he needs to respect her.