SS11 called dh!
WOW I'm sorta in shock that ss11 called his dad and asked if he could do somehting on his weekend before he came here. I am also shocked that bm didn't call herself and she let ss11 call on his own! :jawdrop:
Dh was taken back so much that he let ss11 do what he wanted.
Now I want to say that bm has always help the position that she is the only that should do anything form the skids and that she is the mom and there for everything should go through her. Now remember that a while back dh and bm got into it b/c she wanted everything to go through her when ss13 was on his trip. So I am guessing that maybe just maybe she took that and decided that yes the boys are old enough to talk to their dad with out her or she might have been on the other line but who cares he called.
I hope that this is a start for the boys to be more independent and can think on their own.
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Yes I know and you are right.
Yes I know and you are right. Yes she knew he called it was her phone and dh did not answer b/c he has this rule that was set up a LONG time ago b/c of her nasty crap that she has to leave a mess and IF he thinks it is important he will call back. But if it is an emergency she calls right back. Well 'she' called right back so dh answered and while he was answering he said that if it is not an emergency he was going to rip her a new one. But it was ss11.
I am hoping that it is a start though. Her fav. words are "I AM THE MOM AND NO ONE WILL GO AGAINST THE MOM" So yep she thinks she is the only one that has the boys best interests in mind. What a JOKE! :sick:
I blogged about her spending 130 on a pair a shoes for ss15 and she then again told sh that all she wanted to do was make them happy and she sacrifices all for them. UMM let me let you in on a little secret bm, You do NOT have to give them everything they ask for! DUH!
I also hope it's the start of
I also hope it's the start of an independent streak in your skids. But be careful. When my SS was about 9yo, BM started making SS call DH with excuses (mostly lies) about why he couldn't come for visitation this weekend or why he couldn't spend the night another weekend. For us, it was the escalation of PAS.
Yeah I get that. I will watch
Yeah I get that. I will watch for taht too. I know with ss11 she is able to con him with these things more then the other 2. However I feel so bad for ss1 b/c he is the type that will get physically ill knowing he is lying and being nasty to his dad. She tried it once before and we caught on to it. So i hope she isn't trying it again.B/c that means ss11 will be going to the doc to be put on meds again!
Oh jeez, BM tried "that
Oh jeez, BM tried "that trick" with her 5 year old daughter because DH stopped answering her calls and making her leave a message.
I'll never forget BM in the background dictating word for word what to "tell daddy." She thought that he could not hear her talking to SD...?
I was amazed that a mom would use her young kid like that just because the man she was harrasing had JUST married and BM thought that she could call DH anytime.
I'd love to turn the tables on this bitch one day, but I'd rather move on with my life.
Hopefully though, you are the exception to the normal tricks and games!
No I am not the exception
No I am not the exception that I can assure you. The last time bm tried to get ss11 then 4 to not want to visit dh she tried to say that my son was doing things to ss11 then 4. ss11 knew it was a lie and even tried to tell the councilor, ss11 was so upset that he was ill from all of it and was put on meds for all kinds of things. Finally the councilor told bm to knock it off or he would report her and he would not participate in her games. It was the very next day she said that he is a quack the boys never went back and then all of sudden nothing was wrong with ss11 then 4. She dropped the whole thing like nothing happened.
I can tell you it's really
I can tell you it's really nice when the skids get old enough to do their own communicating and BM doesn't have to be part of everything.
However, in our case it was abused.
"Dad, I stubbed my toe. Can I stay home?"
"Dad, my hairdresser's cousin's boyfriend's daughter is having a birthday party. Can I stay home so I can go?"
"Dad, my friend is having a sleepover. Can I stay home?"
H was in the position of either 1. being the "bad guy" who always says no OR 2. rolling over and letting skids do what they want enabling BM to PAS out at least one of the two.
Yep I hear ya, luckily though
Yep I hear ya, luckily though so far they haven't that too much. They are 15,13, and 11 so I figured it would be a lot more then what it is. Most is school related and if it is some kind of party on her side dh has always said well if they can't schedule it on her time and you really want them to go then you will give up your weekend. That usually shuts her up and he gets them. If it is a bday party for a friend (which isn't often) he takes those on case by case. Normally though he tells her that if you keep him for this then I get him for one of her weekends to make up for it. My dh is smart, once i showed him that he can stand up for himself with her and call her bluff he started seeing ways to compromise with her and if not then no he will there to pick them up and if they are not there he will file contempt. This usually works for us anyway. He can show that he tried to compromise and she knows it.