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OMG!! somebody got to pay for my 15 kids~unbelievable

purpledaisies's picture

This an example of society teaching younger generations that they have no responsibility. how about get off your lazy ass and get a JOB! so what if the father of 10 of your kids is in jail that dowsn't mean you think someone else should pay for your 15 kids! :jawdrop: :sick:


Unfreakingreal's picture

I spit my drink all over the screen. "SOMEBODY NEEDS TO PAY!"
BITCH, go get spayed and neutered! Holy shit balls!

Justme54's picture

I got one better one than that. Years ago, it was on TV that I guy had 20 kids and maybe another one on the way. He had these kids with 11 different women. It stated that the state he was living in was spending $250,000 in aid to care for these kids. Here is the best part...he had a min. wage job.

PeanutandSons's picture

Someone needs to pay for all thsse kids...... Yes so.eone DOES need to lay for those kids, and that person is YOU.

PeanutandSons's picture

Someone needs to pay for all thsse kids...... Yes so.eone DOES need to lay for those kids, and that person is YOU.

Elizabeth's picture

Yeah, this is bad but what's even worse is these men going around impregnating women. There are men out there with 20 or 30 kids and they don't support them. The guy SD was dating (thank God they broke up) was 26 and had six kids with four women, plus a false alarm that one more was on the way. If he shoots out a kid every year (about the rate he has been at so far), he could end up with 20-30, and considering he works a not much more than minimum wage job, the state would be supporting those kids. Several friends of SD's are women who have multiple kids with multiple daddies.

Anon2009's picture

Also, I feel sorry for those kids. If their bm is this bad just imagine what they'll be like as adults.

TASHA1983's picture

This is just flat out sickening...I wish there was a way to prevent this shit from happening...China is seriously on to something...(I do not advocate them killing childen btw, I just think that the fact that they try to keep the amount of children one has to a minimum might be a step in the right direction for Govt leeches such as these)

TickedOff's picture

I watched it five times. I needed that. woooooooooooow. I will pay for your surgery to sew your vagina shut and your mouth.

DarkStar's picture

Hey, let's share our own personal welfare moocher stories!!!

My friend's 20 year old niece was working at a large bank part-time. They wanted to hire her on full-time, but she refused cuz she would lose her govt benefits. Never mind that she'd make MORE working full-time and get benefits with the company. Oh yeah, and it would "stress her out" too much to have to work full-time and take care of her 2 kids. And OH YEAH, did I mention that niece lived with her parents and GMA watched the kids while niece worked?
The bank fired niece, which she wasn't too concerned about cuz then she got even MORE govt freebies!

I used to work with a woman, and I heard her say, while pregnant with her 2nd. "Well, you get so much more from the govt with 2 kids instead of 1!"

It's like the system is rigged to enable losers.

hereiam's picture

This is why I believe the biggest (only?) freebie should be childcare, so these people can go to work, not just sit on their asses and collect handouts.

TASHA1983's picture

I TOTALLY AGREE!!! The only handout should be to HELP AND ENABLE THEM TO WORK!!!!!