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OMG a kid brought a gun to school near where I live

purpledaisies's picture

The mom said it was an accident! What are you kidding me? :jawdrop: Please you don't accidentally bring a gun to school!


DaizyDuke's picture

You would be shocked to know what kids bring to school. I used to handle the superintendent hearings for my district about 6 or 7 years ago. Whenever a kid brought a weapon to school, it was confiscated and made part of the file. We got a new super during that time, who thought it was silly to keep all of the actual weapons in the files as long as we had a picture of it, so asked me to go into the records storeroom and purge all of the weapons. Holy Hell in a Handbasket! I was even shocked! Guns, razor blades, exacto knives, boning knives, you freaking name it.. kids are bringing it to school... and these were just the ones that got caught! Sad