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More about dd and car need opinions.

purpledaisies's picture

After her attitude about food money I am not happy and thinking taking the car back and giving g it to ds. He doesn't have one at all. Dd has a car I gave her but transmission went out.
I'm thinking since I did give her one that it is ds turn. He can let her borrow the car til she gets here fixed. They will be on the same campus.

I want her to understand that she shouldn't expect and should pay her own way too and help herself instead of expecting a hand out.

Does this sound too harsh? Or right on the money. Thanks


purpledaisies's picture

I was talking to dh about and we think we will give the car to ds. The only reason dd was going to get this is because she has a job. But ds needs to get one too. So I think it more fair ds gets it and he can drive her to work if he wants.

newbiemommy's picture

I think DS should get the car. DD has a job and therefore can get the other car fixed eventually. I do think that would be a little unfair to give DD a second car and she defintely needs to learn that you don't get everything handed to you. I think you are on the right track, she is going to hate it. But sometimes parents have to make tough choices.