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I am lucky!!

purpledaisies's picture

My skids do not ignore me and they joke with me and love it. This sunday when we picked them up youngest will be 11 on wed. so I asked him what he wanted. he kept going around the bush finally I told him that we wouldn't see him before his bday and we needed to get it that night and if he rather have the money or what. He said he wanted this game so I looked it up on my phone to see how much it was and it jsut came out not even a month ago. I told him "it just came out you turd" he said "well you asked and I don;t want the money I want the game." Now he said it a joking manner silly kid, and I was proud of him for not wanting the money but for us really wanting to know what he wanted.

PLUS as soon as we picked them up They both said Happy birthday to me without being told!!! Smile Smile Smile


purpledaisies's picture

Thanks ladies it means a lot after the crap bm has put me and my kids through. The boys have seen through her and it had the opposite affect on them. ss14 has told bm that he hates her f'ing guts. Not right and dh told him so but she deserved it. She has tried so hard to pas them but it never worked.

purpledaisies's picture

I know I can honestly say that my skids have never even told me "you're not my mom" either. They for the most part are normal kids. Just like ss14 talked back to me one night really hard core but his dad told him how the cow ate the cabbage! But to me that is normal teen crap. I also think it is the way their dad is with them too, I mean if I have candy or pop or something like that and they want it dh will tell them that is purpledaisies and you have to ask her. He has always made it clear to them that he is dad and I have every bit of authority in this house as he does.

of course bm tried to pas them especially when it came to me making them clean their own messes and having chores here, she said that her kids aren't my slaves!!! Dh never backed down in fract he told bm that if she would make them do it at her house they would be better off to lean responsibility then for her to do everything like they were still 2. He even told her about 5 months ago that she is raising whimps!

Mamma Jamma's picture

Yeah, after seeing some of these horror stories I know I'm lucky my skids like me.

I know that's not necessarily a reflection on me, (though I am a pretty great person according to DH), but on their BM who doesn't give a crap unless she wants something.

I offered to save and send SDs school papers to BM once in a while, DH said don't bother--she didn't even care enough to correct their old schools misspelling of SDs last name. On all her folders, bus number badge, everything (kindergarten).

She hops off the bus and hollers "hi mommy!" We're trying to change that to something she doesn't call BM...but she's sticking to mommy pretty hard. Says something about her home life with BM that she calls a woman "mommy" with a smile and a hug 3 days after she meets her, huh? We explained I'm her stepmommy and told her it would hurt Sybils feelings if she calls ME mommy...she replied very cooly, oh that's ok, I'll call you mommy and just call her Sybil. DH put a stop to that! Sybil would pop a blood vessel to hear SD call her Sybil. Hey, maybe I'm onto something there... :-).

clairedelune's picture

I am really happy for you! With all the horror stories we read here, it's refreshing to see there is some good relationships out there! Smile