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A coworker said somethign the otehr night that got me to thinking.

purpledaisies's picture

I have never considered myself my skids mom as they have one. But at the same time bm has made very clear to me and skids that they are NOT to call me mom nor am I to call myself their mom. Ok that is fine with me.

Anyway I was talking about my skids at work to someone else who is a bm and her kids go to their dads house every night and she has them during the day as we work nights. He has a gf. So my coworker had no problem with my calling them my step kids and me their step mom. However another coworker over heard (she does not have her kids they were taken away) and she got so very mad and yelled at me for not considering them my own kids. My other coworker that I was talking to told her that she is glad that I don;t consider them "my" kids. And if the father of her kids gf ever did that she would rip her a new one. Sher said it is not cool for someone else to try to mom to someone elses kids who is very much in their lives. My other coworker still would not let this go. she kept saying she thought it was wrong and I should be considering myself their mom!

Now this got me to thinking what is her way of thinking she never say why but that I was wrong. I guess I just wanted to know where she was coming from.


beebusdriver93's picture

Only thing I would say is...I don't know how I would feel if my daughter started calling her dads gf mom...she doesn't but I dont think I would like if she changed it up to maybe the womans name and mom after or mom then the womans name after that is different SKids mother passed away and the SD did ask back a year ago if she could call me mom and I told her she would have to talk to her dad about that...he said it was ok if that is what she wanted...but I actually felt weird so I told her to call me MommaLisa...which is my first name!

VAStepMom's picture

My opinion is no Girlfriend should call herself Mom to her BF's kids.

Or visa versa.

That role is reserved for Biological mothers and Stepmothers.

Imagine how confusing it would be to the skids if one day, you were no longer the GF? And they were all the while calling you MOM.?

That's just my opinion.

purpledaisies's picture

To clarify I am not the GF I am the step mom but you are right. The GF was my coworkers father of her kids GF. The other coworker doesn;t have her kids at all. I'm the only step mom there, it was just that for some reason she thought I was wrong in not considering my skids as my own kids. I live by this motto. "these kids have 2 parents a mom and a dad and I'm neither." rinse and repeat as needed.

purpledaisies's picture

Wishing that is how I feel so how can I have my skids call me mom or consider I'm their mom if I don;t want my kids to have their sm do the same?