BM stands for bowel movement not biological mother, right?
This is really just an observation but all these wretched BMs and their continual crapfests got me to thinking. I know. Slow down, Princessmofo before you hurt yourself. But they are bitter, insensitive, jealous, deceitful, malicious, plotting, trashy, rude, obnoxious, revolting, unnerving, lousy, shameless, treacherous, degenerate, knavish and just plain evil. And yet they continue to insinuate themselves in our DH/SO/BF/FDH's lives. What baffles my mind is that 90% or more of these BMs initiated the divorces! So if you didn't want him anymore what is your freaking problem? Move on, please. By all means go back to the Vodka bottle you crawled out of and leave me and my dh in peace. It seems they can't stand Not calling the shots. And unfortunately they use the old standard playbook of "it's in the child's best interest" blah blah blah so it's necessary for BM to be there. But of course I could be wrong. . . }:) Would love to hear your thoughts on this.
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I am older and do not have
I am older and do not have children. Had a long international career with many tough negotiations, etc. I can be diplomatic as hell when I want to. But I can defend myself and my position. I did not survive in a cut throat world for several decades by being a doormat.
And my situation is different as I am not dealing with a minor child. But BM knows EXACTLY how I feel about her. And I had lots of facts to use as ammo in destroying her high opinion of herself. It was a pleasure. I highly recommend it.
BM would have to undertake a total personality and lifestyle makeover to even come close to elevating herself to the level of a turd. DH was stupid and had a ONS with her decades ago. Pity. }:)
>>>>>BM would have to
>>>>>BM would have to undertake a total personality and lifestyle makeover to even come close to elevating herself to the level of a turd.<<<<<
OMG that is hilarious!