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"I Love Seeing My Bones!"

princessandthepee's picture

Princess and I have some fundamental differences. I really don't like seeing my insides, at least not physically, which is in part why I did in fact have the pleasure of reacquainting myself with the local ER staff because of my pesky ulcers (You should take better care of yourself, stop drinking Diet Coke, get more sleep ....). I didn't go in for the follow up endoscopy after the last episode, which I should have. But I didn't. I really don't like seeing my insides.

Princess fully enjoys viewing all physical aspects of herself. She is fascinated with her physical self. I remember when I began dating her dad he mentioned that one of her favorite things to do was view pictures of herself and decide which ones to post on Facebook. I couldn't relate to that when I remembered myself as a teenager, I preferred life under the radar. But to each her own, right? The photos she showed me from her last 'photo shoot' were of her butt poised over a blow up pool dolphin in a leopard bikini. I said, oh, those are really nice. Really, what else could I say? Best to neutralize the girl.

Princess has labeled herself as a model, poses in ridiculous fashion for any and all pictures, and by that I mean the immature puffing out of the chest and thrusting out of the backside. Oh, and positioning sideways to the camera - ALWAYS. Ok, whatever. While princess is very petite, I am more so, and while I have always thought she is quite good looking, no one else seems to share that view. I suppose I see resemblance to my husband? princess comments all the time on how beautiful she thinks I am, which I just keep at arm's length. I see her as dangerous, I guess.

princess has been fully lapping up and exploiting her dad's impetus to rescue her since her knee injury. Damn, he drove seven hours yesterday to drag her sorry ass from her dorm to get an MRI and then back again. Oh, he left a bit early because he was sure 'she'd want supper.' All for daddy daughter time. But really? Seriously?

And then my fricking ulcers strike, and guess what, I'm relying upon princesse's dad to perform the same functions for me. Bring me to the hospital, stay with me, make follow up appointment (damn I do not want to see my insides again!) and drive me home.

As we pulled into the driveway, literally as he was putting the car into park (after stopping to grab fast food for pee) pee texts him and says 'I broke the bed.'

Bed in question: a hundred year old solid oak Victorian full size bed with a headboard six feet tall, foot board five feet tall. Ornately carved, in perfect condition. Rare. Apparently, pee thought the footboard was meant for using as a seat while playing Xbox. The oak ripped apart, split the support board, left a gash in the footbaord where it landed. I was sicker to my stomach than I had been when I went to the hosptial. That bed has been precious to me for years, I let him use it believing it would be cared for.

pee took his fast food, did not apologize for ruining this heirloom and I took my ulcer and pain medication and went to sleep. pee's dad has not said a word about it, it just doesn't exist for him. I haven't said a word either, what can I say.

The next morning was when my husband affectionately shared that princess made the best of having to undergo an MRI, and quoted her as having said, "I love seeing my bones!" I was in pain and getting my sons' their breakfast. I grimaced a smile.

And then my kids missed the bus because they avoid pee to an extreme.

I lost it on the bus company. The poor woman who ansewred the phone received a whallop that wasn't hers, maybe I'll apologize, but probably not.

I don't love seeing my bones.

I don't love considering something I have been considering now that I have a gut level negative reaction to any and everything having to do with her. I have come to understand through some little ditties I haven't shared yet that she will always come first with him. The notion of competing with anyone for wife position is one I am familiar with (first marriage, it was his mom and sisters - the Vagina Gestapo). I don't believe I can do it again, I don't believe I should.

I feel fundamentally cut off from him. There was quite a backlash from my gentle husband when I put it to him that way.

I can feel it in my bones we're headed for trouble here.


princessandthepee's picture

Thank you both for your supportive and understanding words! I'm really wanting to respond more fully here, and JoJo, I haven't read your blogs. This is my one secret from my husband and I'm dashing this off before he comes back up. It is so therapuetic!

reluctantgma's picture

Your blogs are a hoot, but clearly you're hurting. I know how it feels, 'cept for me it was a sniveling, manipulative 14yo male tyrant instead of the Vagina Gestapo (that was my youngest daughter's father and his family - she's grown and has her own kids now). Whatever, there is nothing so painful than to know that any support and compassion available from one's supposed partner goes to his spouse/'partner' last.

Whether you're headed for trouble really sorta depends upon how you process. I couldn't bear living that way any more, so tossed Bozo and Baby Huey out. One of my main goals once they were out was to start understanding why I was always getting myself stuck in relationships with men who are unavailable to me. I'm tired of repeating this scenario over and over again. I've gotten slack on the self discovery and evaluation thing lately, but am recommitting to that endeavor this week.

I still had a lot of feelings for Bozo and did not break all contact, but the space from the 'in your face' toxic behaviors and crazy making has been heavenly. A gum abscess that festered and oozed for my 2.5 years of struggle with Bozo and BH is gone. I have spent the past two weekends with Bozo, last one being a long EOW that BM (the elephant in my living room) took BH. Something I noticed in that extended weekend with Bozo is that without all the combined BH/BM stress and drama that I let keep me bound to Bozo, he isn't particularly attractive or interesting to me any longer either. Once I had sufficient space from the constant crazy making, blaming and excuses, I saw that Bozo was the channel and enabler for all of the unnecessary madness that I'd allowed into my life.

Everyone is different, of course. I don't know you well enough to say you should walk out or throw your DH out, but I would urge you to do whatever is effective to relieve yourself and your sons of the stress you're all enduring. Ulcers are no joke. As you said, "I don't believe I can do it again, I don't believe I should."

I understand and will be sending prayers of strength and healing you and your sons' ways. (huggs)