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Update on the therapy issue

praying's picture

I really want to thank everyone for giving me advice on my previous blog. I just thought I would make an update so its easier. I told my Dh I did not want to go and my Dh told me he NEEDED me there. It was exactly what one poster said on my previous blog. How could I say no after that? The session is this Friday and my Dh and I will be talking with the therapist for 30 mins before Ss joins us. I am not looking forward to it at all. I have been feeling queasy just at the thought of it.

We had to tell Ss he could not see that girl who emailed him. We had a very bad feeling about her. We are struggling to keep an eye him as it is. Of course, he just laid in his bed, said ok. Not even a glimpse of anger, sadness, nothing.

We are very worried for him. He is eating more. Only because we are telling him to. All it takes is for one of us to suggest something and he just does it. I cannot stop comparing him with a zombie. It is very scary. What if someone takes advantage of his new attitude?


fractioned's picture

Hi Praying...

I'm glad you decided to go, too. Sending strength and serenity your way!

Just a thought - does your SS currently have anything, any activity, hobby, something in his life that he alone has control of? There's a pattern here of things becoming important to him and then getting taken away (for the best of reasons, of course!). I know it's a half-baked idea, but maybe if you guys can come up with something safe that he can be in control of? Like some creative or artistic pursuit? What is he good at? I wonder if having something to be proud might help him to re-engage.

praying's picture

I hope it is for the best like you guys are saying. I have been feeling under the weather lately. Maybe I will really fall sick and I wont have to go tomorrow. Yea, did I mention? The session got moved to tomorrow. Sad

12yrstepmonster's picture

Just s thought and I am by no means educated in anything like what you are dealing with.

Could SS have toold you the worst most gruesome to see if you would quit living him? He's sees himself damaged and now unloveable. Keep showing your love. Don't turn from him.

If you believe in the power of prayer, I would start a prayer chain.

In the meantime I will pray for your strength, and for a boy in much need of Gods light.

I also hope that it has accidently been released to his fellow prisoners as to what this beast did. I hope karma visits him all night long.