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OT - Boycotts

PoisonApples's picture

On another blog I just expressed my admiration for the Craigslist founder and in the next sentence I admitted that I use ebay regularly. I felt a little guilty because I know that I should be boycotting ebay.

I know that most people here are Americans and Americans in general don't join boycotts (or at least didn't used to) so I was wondering if that's still true?

While I know it isn't always possible to completely boycott everything from a particular country or company, there are some issues that I feel strongly enough about to make a real effort to not give my money to.

Do you boycott any particular company or product? Why?

My boycott list:

1. anything from Nestle - for a 1000 reasons too numerous to mention here
2. Fur - because we don't need it, there are plenty of synthetics available
3. Israeli products, particularly fruit & veggies from the settlements - for human rights violations
4. eggs or chicken that isn't free range - because it tastes better and the alternative is unsanitary and cruel


PoisonApples's picture

But don't those stations pay something to BP for the branding?

By boycotting those stations you are boycotting BP. It's unfortunate that it has to be done at the individual owner level but if things are bad enough he can go truly independent or go with different branding.

PoisonApples's picture

It's Ok maux, I don't have tv either - over here it's SKY for satellite and I boycott them!

ebay has gotten very greedy and is screwing over the small sellers. They also bought a lot of shares in craigslist and then used confidential information to hurt craigslist. There's lots more. Google for details.

PoisonApples's picture

My SD17 is like you Dorothy, she's big into animal rights and is a vegetarian, has been since she was 12 so it's not just a phase.

I left the things off my list that I boycott on her behalf but there are several. The animal testing is a big thing for her too.

We haven't bought anything from Unilever in years.

PoisonApples's picture

Thanks for that list. I skyped it to my daughter. She thought L'Oreal had changed their ways and we had started buying their products again.

HeatherM's picture

I have several boycotts myself...but my biggest one is Disney! (I'm Canadian...not that it mattes)... I just find there is so much Disney propaganda that I can hardly stand it!

HeatherM's picture

Oh...and I'm not saying it's True or not...but one of my Good Friends is a VP over at good old L'Oreal... he states they have indeed changed their ways and do not use animals in any of their testing. He is the VP of Marketing who really knows.

PoisonApples's picture

I guess you could sort of add the colour pink to my list.

I don't really boycott pink but I refuse to emphasize pink for girls. My dd3 has very few pink things. I really cringe when I'm out shopping and all I can find for girls are pink toys, pink accessories and pink clothing. It's not the colour but what the colour has come to represent.

There's a UK site that I kinda sorta support pink stinks. They're all about finding strong role models for young girls.

Oh, and I boycott barbie dolls and especially those hideous slutty looking Bratz dolls.

PoisonApples's picture

OK, I got the lowdown on L'Oreal.

They are playing with words.

They can honestly and rightfully say that they don't test their finished products on animals. They do, however, test some of the individual ingredients that they use on animals.

So, not only are they testing on animals but they are playing us for fools at the same time!

It's back to boycotting L'Oreal for me!

stormabruin's picture

"I think we need to boycott China and all of their crap. Bring those jobs back here and improve the quality of the things we let them make for us."

Maybe I'm just not making the effort I need to make, but I've found it's difficult to find what I need that doesn't come stamped with "Made in China" on it. It irks me. I have a mug sitting on my desk that I purchased specifically because the brand is "Americaware". I opened that package when I got home, & printed on the bottom is "Made in China". Why is it called Americaware???

PoisonApples's picture

Nestle has a long history of disgusting practices. The most famous recent one is the way they'd go to these 3rd world countries and give mothers who had just given birth enough baby formula to last just until their breast milk dried up, forcing them to end up having to buy formula. In many cases these are areas where there isn't enough water or enough clean water to begin with (for mixing formula) or the mothers just can't afford to keep buying it and so lots of babies die because they aren't fed properly.

Also they don't have any true 'fair trade' coffee. Their abuse of 3rd world resources is legendary and their workers in these countries are basically slave labour under appalling conditions.

nestle boycott

They have the best chocolate on planet earth!!

You poor thing! You've obviously never had Godiva or even Lindt, both of which are readily available in America. Even Cadburys (which is inexpensive) is worlds better than Nestle.

PoisonApples's picture

I left it off because I couldn't remember how to spell it and I was too lazy to look it up! Honestly, that's the only reason. I did think of it.

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

I’d also like to know what’s up with Nestle..? Is it a workers rights issue or an environmental issue..? Or is it something like they put in secret magical ingredients that make you crave their products against your will for all of eternity once you’ve tasted them. Cause that’s just evil.

Thank you for the BP info by the way… we’ve been boycotting the he-double hockey sticks out of them since this mess popped up and now I just feel like a heel for taking money out of a hard working gas owner’s pockets. There has to be some way to track where their bloody oil is going and to whom. Bastards.

Our family has a severe boycott going on all things Fox (quote unquote) News. There’s just no room on this message board to discuss the disgusting propaganda machine that has the nerve to call itself a “news” channel.

And “social networking” sites are the devil. My Face and Space Book are single-handedly destroying the human structure one day at a time. Big Brother is watching… and everybody is volunteering the information by droves. F-Facebook… F-it right in the ear.

And gawd damn it… screw Twilight!!!! There, I said it.

Man that felt good!

Ha! You beat me to the chocolate question!
Thanks for the info….

PoisonApples's picture

I put a link up about Nestle above.

I've boycotted BP since I lived in Iran and learned how they screwed the Iranian people way back when.

As for Fox news - uhg! Did you see the hullaballoo about how they touch up photos to make the people on the 'left' look uglier? That's just sick. I can't believe they are allowed to use the word 'news' at all. I agreed to be 'interviewed' by them once. It was pathetic. They wouldn't let me speak at all. I never got to finish more than 3 words of a sentence before that scumbag o'reilly would interrupt me and 'finish my sentence' for me - in a sarcastic way and not at all what I would have said. Then my 'opponent' would jump in to show how wrong the statement jerk-off finished for was - even though I never said it. They never interrupted the arse who was representing the other side, let him ramble on and on but I couldn't get a word in edgewise and they were so sarcastic and belittling the whole time. Anyway, I digress.

Moon Child Step Mom's picture

I just have to believe in Karma as far as Fox News is concerned… may all of that ugly retouching land back on their own faces a hundred fold! *laughs* I just cursed Fox News in the same statement I made about Karma…

I give you a world of credit for not taking a flamethrower to that interview. I would have ended up in jail!

PoisonApples's picture

It was via satellite phone. I never actually saw what aired. I never agreed to do another interview with them though.

Everybody I know who agreed to interview with them only ever did it once. They aren't interested in reporting the news, they are only interested in promoting their agenda and they don't mind lying to do it.

stormabruin's picture

Ugh! This post has opened my eyes. It makes me want to back out of society & just live off of my garden...& Ghirardelli chocolate. Man, I don't want to have to weed a friggin' garden!