Sometimes i think my skids really need to get their a$$es beat...
Not by me of coarse....or dh. But from their peers. A few good times of a classmate putting then squarely in their place would do them both some good.
Ss11 spent his whole spring break at the park/camp trying to pick fights with much older boys. Like 14-15 yr olds. There usually aren't Jr high aged kids at the after school program but since it was spring break they had a special group for the older kids whose parents didn't want them home all week by themselves. He spent the week poking them, slapping the up the back of the head, trying to trip them. Basically being a total jerk and counting on these bigger boys self control to keep him safe. Kept saying how he "wanted to fight them".
I quite frankly can't wait until he is in Jr high next year. I am going to laugh my ass of the first time he come home from school with a fat lip or a black eye.
Dh asked him if he wanted to take karate or boxing if he's so eager to learn how to fight. His response" I already know how to fight, Joey (20yr old uncle) told him how last summer). But he was all for boxing until he realized that he would get hit back then it was "oh, no I don't want that... I just want to do the hitting". Dh asked him what he thought would happen if those older boys at the camp had fought with him.....he honestly thought he could beat them up without getting hit back. This is the same kid who couldn't open the jug of milk this weekend and had to ask his little sister for help.
- PeanutandSons's blog
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And sd10: I will also laugh
And sd10: I will also laugh my ass off when someone finally puts her in her place as well. After completely snubbing and refusing to say hi to a classmate we ran into at the store, she decided to act a complete brat at her daycare all spring break week too.
Dh lectured her on respect after the snubbing was for naught. She snuck a bottle of hand sanitizer to the daycare. She was told to put it away and not bring it back on Monday. Again on Tuesday. Again on Wednesday. On Thursday they caught her again with the hand sanitizer, flicking blobs of it at other kids. They tried to confiscate it from her. Instead of handing it over, she gave them a snotty....I took the back label off, so now it doesn't say keep away from children" and turned her back to the director. Director hauled her button to the office and she sat there until I picked her up. Little miss bad-ass in front of her friends . what she needs is one of those other kids to bust her down a peg or two.
My DH would've spanked her
My DH would've spanked her butt for that. I totally believe in spanking. Plus it keeps them from getting hurt worse by their peers.
Oh girl I would love for your
Oh girl I would love for your bratty skids to get their asses tuned up too (Here's hoping
)...they sound absolutely dreadful, and I admire your self control for NOT smacking the shit out of them yourself LOL!!!
I wouldn't care if skid got his ass beat if he did stupid shit like that to deserve it! Sometimes kids need a good ol fashion ass whooping to get their shit together! Better from a peer then from us!!! I am also a BM and I love my son very much. But if he was being a complete asshole to other kids and I already told him to cut the shit and he wouldn't listen and if he came to me and told me someone smacked him upside the head or something not too bad I would be like ya shoulda listened to me or I hope this taught you a lesson to keep your mouth shut and your hands to yourself!
I am not for violence as a means to solving problems persay BUT I am all for whatever wakes these fucking kids up because frankly this generation needs it!!!! IMHO.
Dh actually asked me a few
Dh actually asked me a few weekends a go how I manage to resist the urge to slap them. They were being particuarly awful that day, I believe it was the lotion fight day, and I was telling him about it over the phone while he was at work. I reply that they weren't worth it to me. Not going to catch a charge and risk my own boys by laying a finger on them. He was caught off guard by my answer....but he couldn't refute it.
Wow...well at least your DH
Wow...well at least your DH knows how awful they are and wouldn't blame ya for wanting to or probably even giving them a back hand!!! LOL
That is a blessing in and of itself...
SS27 has had his ass beaten
SS27 has had his ass beaten multiple times. Doesn't seem to help him and his smart mouth at all.
And I mean really beaten. The first time I met him he had two black eyes and his whole body was bruised. Some of his gangsta "friends" beat him up. He probably deserved it.
"This is the same kid who
"This is the same kid who couldn't open the jug of milk this weekend and had to ask his little sister for help"
LMAO! That's funny! I'm with you...I'd be excitedly waiting for the day that the kid learned that no, people aren't going to sit there & do nothing while he pounds on them.
Same here, Peanut.. only I
Same here, Peanut.. only I wish DH would do it. Not beat them, of course, but I just wish that he would be as quick to punish them as he is BS11 and BS1. We actually had words about it this weekend because, as usual, SS and SD come over and do everything that BS's get in trouble for, be it grounding, time out, stern talking-to, etc.. but do they even get reminded that they aren't supposed to be doing/saying/BREAKING whatever it is they are doing/saying/BREAKING (SS6 is notorious for breaking things.. if he can't eat it, he'll break it.. if he can't break it, he'll eat it!) A perfect example of this double-standard happened Friday night.. SS6 is a freakin' crybaby.. OMG, he cries/whines about EVERYTHING.. even something as simple as asking for something to eat comes out of his mouth with a whiny tone. Recently, BS1 (notice the age difference here.. we're comparing a baby to a kindergartener) has started being a little whiny (I think we are fast approaching the terrible 2's..eee-gad!) Friday night, SS was doing his usual whining about EVERYTHING.. "BS1 touched my car.. it's MIIIIINNNNNEEEE!".. "I want to watch SPONGEBOB.. Scooby-Doo is STTTUUUUUPPPPIIIDDDDD!!".. it went on and on and on, as it usually does. BS1 has had a double ear infection last week, so he has been a bit cranky. I had him in the bath and I mentioned that after his bath, it was bed time. Mind you, we are in the bathroom, where it is just he and I.. not in the living space in everyone's face where everyone has to hear at full volume. BS started whining and carrying on, "Noooooo mommy.. I don't waaaaannnntttt night-night tiiiimmmmeeee!!" Before he is even done, DH appears in the bathroom and threatens BS "If daddy hears you whining ANYMORE tonight, you will NOT get your sleepytime movie tonight.. that's ENOUGH! I don't want to hear it anymore!!" That was it, damn it, are you FUCKING KIDDING ME!! I asked BS11 to come sit with BS1 in the bathroom while daddy and I had a talk in our bedroom, asked DH to please come in there, we needed to talk.. as he was following me in the bathroom, SS says, "NOOOOO - I want daaaaaddddyyyyy in here!" OMG - I had to try really hard to not lose it and fly off the handle. I explained to him the problem I was having.. how SS whines and cries about EVERYTHING (and he agreed, BTW) yet he doesn't even get reprimanded, just ignored; however, BS1 HAS A FREAKING EAR INFECTION IN BOTH FREAKING EARS and whines just one time, not even in the same room as everyone else, and DH is on him like flies on dog shit! WTF?? How can you not see that is soooooo unfair, and totally sending the message to SS that it is OK to continue his OBNOXIOUS whining and crying? WHY DON'T YOU GET IT???? Do you know what that ass had the nerve to say to me? He said that BS1 he has to listen to every day.. SS, however, is only here every other weekend, so it doesn't get to him as bad, and he is a little more tolerant of that behavior coming from him. I said, "BS is a BABY.. SS is not even a toddler anymore.. he is 6 years old and knows better.. how in the hell can you be more tolerant of that behavior coming from him? You make no sense!" He just stared at me and said, "Why do you hate my kids so much?" I seriously had to walk away before I punched his fool lights out.. I couldn't even look at him the rest of the night, I was so disgusted.. and to make it even worse, that little shit SS gave me the most evil little smirk when I walked out of the room.. I wanted to scream.. am I in the freaking twilight zone?
Anyway, Peanut - something I always remind BS11 of when he gets a little snarky.. "I don't care how big and tough you are, or how big and tough you THINK you are - there will always be someone bigger and tougher that will come along and put you in your place!" Your skids will smart off to/piss off the wrong person one of these days and then BAM.. maybe it will knock them down a few notches!
It's coming for SS8,
It's coming for SS8, eventually. He's SO rude and mean to his peers, then wonders why he has no friends. A little girl at his afterschool program got teased by SS for her (adorable) accent, and she charged him with a raised fist! According to the aide, he ran away blatting like a little bitch (my words, not hers!). And this was a first grader! (SS is in 3rd grade). He'll get decked by someone eventually. Guaranteed. He's a little bully with Napoleon Complex and anger issues.