oh my goodness.... ive been so bogged down with the daily grind i forgot the share my good news!
I am getting paroled in THREE DAYS!!!
Three more days and then my skids are flying off for summer visitation with my mother in law across the country. Friday morning at 4am I am loading my dh and my skids I to the car and driving them off to the airport....then I am a paroled step mom for TEN, yes count them, ten glorious weeks of peaceful bliss with my boys.
- PeanutandSons's blog
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oh how nice for you! SS13 is
oh how nice for you!
SS13 is going to BM's for two weeks on/ off this summer. Last year he only did a two week visit (still felt like heaven
So I am really looking forward to the day we send him off, and then the next one, and then the next one.
YAY you!!!!
YAY you!!!!
Don't give up hope. I went
Don't give up hope. I went six years without a night away from my skids before mil took them for then summer last year. I figured that since both BMS ran off and abandoned them (they don't even visit) that I was doomed until the left for college or moved out....but now I shall insist she take them for the summer for as long as I can swing it. If I didn't get this break I think I would have to get a divorce and leave.
This is the second summer I
This is the second summer I have been granted this reprieve of my sentence.
Last year it took me probably a week to decompress and begin to relax. I felt as I haven't felt in years....I was myself again . I was easy going playful, spontaneous. My house was always clean, even though I still had a toddler and newborn at home.
Honestly....I imagine its a lot like how people with severe depression feel when they finally start taking meds to help them. Like a 50lbs weight has been liften from your shoulders and the haze of gloomy rain clouds part way to sunny skies. I woke up happy and ready to start my day every morning and was sad when bedtime rolled around and ended each day.
I have counted down the days since the day they walked back in my door last August