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oh god...

PeanutandSons's picture

Dh just informed me that he has decided unilaterally to take ss10 off his adhd meds. FML


3familiesIn1's picture


I gave up trying to get DH to even have SS7 evaluated - 2 years back when I suggested it was something we should look into for everyone sake - I was informed, DH will NEVER medicate his kid.

What kind of stupid statement is that when you don't even know what may or may not be suggested? I mean, what if the Dr suggests removing red food dyes from his diet and he becomes managable? So that told me on the spot DH KNOWS something is wrong but is outright refusing to make a potential life changing decision for his son and would rather we all just suffer with his undiagnosed chaos.


LRP75's picture

AND, due to his own pride, he would rather his child suffer even if there is something out there that could bring his child relief.

Yeah, I've met a few parents like that.

stepsonhatesme's picture

What does SS10 Dr think? You should NEVER take a kid off ADHD meds without talking to Dr. first. The Dr. would probaly need to ween SS off of them, there is going to be a butt load of side effects.....I know first hand, my BS quit taking his for 1 month, it was horrible!!!!

PeanutandSons's picture

He's not consulting the Dr, he's decided to just not bring SS back. He was doing so much better of the meds too. Better in school, better interpersonal skills, more confident since he wasn't constantly getting yelled at.

But I don't get a say..... I'm just the sm. I'm good enough to take care of them, do their laundry, cook for them, buy them things..... But not for my opinion to matter for squat.

Annanymous's picture

But I don't get a say..... I'm just the sm. I'm good enough to take care of them, do their laundry, cook for them, buy them things..... But not for my opinion to matter for squat.

And why are you taking care of them, doing their laundry, cooking for them, and buying them things? They have parents to do that. I get helping out in a household, but there is helping out and there is doing everything.

oneoffour's picture

OMG. HE decides to do this RIGHT before school goes back? His poor poor teacher. Cna you let the school know, you know... anonymously?