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I won the last battle..... but the war continues....

PeanutandSons's picture

The laundry wars that is.

Heres a quick recap, so you know how we got to where we are right now.

Week1- no laundry brought to be week dirty laundry in ss room

Week2- laundry dumped in laundryroom bedtime on Sunday. So no laundry in ss room, 2 Weeks worth sitting by washer.

Week three- dh starts but doesnt finish any clothes. Ss hzs one week of dirty laundry in his room that he doesnt bring to be washed.

Week4- dh finished the two Weeks of clothes in laundry room. Ss doesnt bring any additional clothes so he now has two weekx of dirty in his room.

Week5- ss brought no laundrh to be washed. He now has a full three Weeks worth of dirty clothds sitting on his floor.

His next theoretical time to bring me laundry is nexy weekend....when he will have accumulated FOUR Weeks of dirty clothes. Fuck that. I am not doing his clothes ever again. His pile of stained clothds is still sitting on the laundry room floor....right where dh threw them when he did ss last ginormous load of clothes. I not touching those either.

If ss cant even exhurt the effort to walk his basket the 20 feet to the laundry room, then im sure not going to spe.d half my day off washing and drying a monthx worth of hix nasty clothes.

Hes out of school he must be rewearing dirty ones. He hasnt showered in over a week and he hasn't brushed his teeth in over two week by my observations. Dh tells him to shower everyday....but mever follows up. Im sure he kust assumes that by almost 12 yrs olc ss should know to brush bis teeth. But clearly he doesn't.

Wondering how far this will go before either dh notices his odor or pile of nastiness...... Or the kids at school notoce his odor. It cant be too much longer....deoderant can only do so much......


Justme54's picture

OMG!! How can you go for over a week without shower? Even people that are very ill manage to get the energy to bath more than that.

Cdngirl's picture

It took my DH the teacher telling him that his daughter smelled and other students and adults have complained. This is only after I was getting after him to help me make sure SD13 at the time was doing what she was suppose to be doing ie showering, brushing her teeth wearing deoderant. Let me tell you the look on DH face when he was being told by the teacher that he had the stinky kid was priceless. I was cheering inside thinking see I am not being mean to SD it was a very happy dance.

momatwittsend's picture

I agree with you, I just did a month of laundry from my SS16, for once my DH stepped up and told SS16 that since I had to spend the day doing his laundry and not what I normally do, SS16 got to wash the kitchen floor by hand with a toothbrush. DH told him if he was going to be so nasty and lazy as to not bring his dirty clothes to the laundry room he will make sure he doesn't forget again.

Sad thing is that for a month of laundry, 1 pair of underwear and 1 pair of socks. :sick:

edited to add
I told DH I won't do it again, and since Skids aren't allowed to use my washer/dryer, I guess SS16 will have to take his shit to the laundry mat and use his own money to wash his laundry. For once DH agreed.

Lalena75's picture

Wow I'm surprised that neither of them have stepped up. I don't do my own kids laundry, I remind them once a week to do laundry and my ds (12) is in fact switching his loads as I type. He showers daily (football practice helps with that) My dd (stb18)has been doing her own laundry for at least 5 years now, she's the lazy one about it (she and I both will "forget" to fold clean stuff and just live from a basket lol. SO is responsible for his kids and has been pretty good but I had to ignore his kids stuff for a week before he understood I wasn't budging I don't do my kids sure as hell not doing someone elses.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Those clothes are going to funk your carpet out. May I suggest that you take some lawn bags and a shovel and remove them to the garage to be taken to the Laundromat at your DH's earliest convenience? They must smell just aweful by now.