Having my own kids just highlights how off the skids have always been
I was just watching BS-17months from the doorway. He had no idea I was watching.
He got the step stool out, anc set it up. Pushed it to the pantry and got out the jar of peanutbutter. He then carried the peanutbutter to the counter. He got out the bread and put it in the counter next to the jar of pb.
Then he pushsd the stool in front on the silverware drawer. When he got on it he realized that he was too close to open ths drzwer. So he got off, repositioned the stool and opened the drawer. He grabbed out a fork and a butter knife. Looked at the for a minute, then put the fork back and shut the drawer.
He tried to open the pb, but couldnt. After a few attempts he brought the pb down off the counter and came to find me. Asked for and signed help, and led me to his stuff.
I put the pb on the bread for him and he was all smiles. So proud that he figured out how to make/get the snack he wanted. So proud watching him work through each set and figure it out.
Then theres the skids......who were 11 and 10 last spring and couldnt between them figure out a pbj sandwich. It took them literally 45 minutes to make two sanwiches.
- PeanutandSons's blog
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No, hes not hearing impaired.
No, hes not hearing impaired. I taught both my boys baby sign language, it helps them communicate before they are able to clearly say the words. Cuts down drastically on tantrums.
I did this with all three of
I did this with all three of mine also. My family would always tease me because my one year old would follow me around doing the sign for "milk" because she wanted to nurse. I was trying to wean her but she was just so darn cute with that.
Its probably because you have
Its probably because you have raised BS to think for himself and to be reasonably self sufficient rather than feel entitled.
I don't have bio kids yet, but I always feel like skids have been handicapped because they have never been made to think for themselves. For example, if I tell skids to go upstairs and change into play clothes after school, ss8 has to ask 20 questions before he goes to do it. The questions, everyday are "so I take off my shirt and shorts?" "Where doc I put them?" "And then what do I put on?" "And then what do I do?"
Now I give instructions and then I walk away and leave him standing there. When I come back as is usually standing there and he'll say "I wasn't sure what to do" and I tell him, well you've missed out on your play time.
It makes no sense. You'd think he would figure it out but nope. He refuses to figure it out because when DH gives the same instruction he will walk as through every step and will yell through the house in frustration because he wants as to figure it out, but won't make him figure it out.
Glad your son won't have this issue.
"self sufficient rather than
"self sufficient rather than feel entitled".
I like that comparison! Perfect, right on, bamm, totally describes a lot of skids these days.
Good job Mama! I have a 18
Good job Mama! I have a 18 mth old and I'll be damned if I'll let her grow up lazy, entitled and unable or unwilling to do things on her own and For herself! She loves helping and always brings her plate back to the kitchen after she's done w her snack! Super cute!
This was one of our biggest
This was one of our biggest regular battles with SS prior to and immediately following SpermLand visitations.
At ~15mos he could work through problems and show us what he wanted. We treated him as a person and did not do the baby talk tantrum crap. During post visitation detox time he would point, scream and cry, etc... We never tolerated that and would tell him to use his words or show us what he wanted.
Over the next few years his behavior would start to degrade a week or so before he left for SpermLand and we would have 10-30days of post visitation detox when he came home from SpermLand.
I wish we had known of and used the sign methodology. That would have made it even easier to deal with.
SS is now 21 and a very logical and methodical problem solver and very effective communicator. Even with the struggles to overcome the shallow and poluted end of his gene pool he turned out to be an outstanding young man of character and ability.
He spoke fairly early and transitioned very quickly from single words to sentences. He and my brother's 3 kids were all raised together. SS is 21, Niece is 19, Nephew 17 and Nephew 12. All spoke very early while friends with children of the same age were befuddled by their own children's blank faced drooling followed by tantrums while our 4 were little people who could talk and everything. :? Funny how active and results based parenting works compared to catering entitlement parenting.
If our results are any indicator, your BS will be just fine with the added advantage of not having to regularly spend time with group of toxic toothless morons.
Good job mom.