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Welcome to my sh*tshow

Paintcrisis's picture

Pull up a chair if you are so inclined.

I just got back from the cop shop. Have to go back tomorrow because they were closed, argh!

Ex texted me this morning about Easter and was normal. Then I got my job interview rescheduled so I nicely asked ex if he could watch Mr toddler for an hour tomorrow since daycare is closed.

He said he was out of town, which is fine and I left it at that.

5 minutes later, he started a 3 hour abusive rant. He said things like:

*He always ‘new’ I was a f*cking loser.

*He’s glad I’m dating a low life ‘pice’ of shit 

*That loser friend is a product of ‘in breading’ (is he a pastry chef?)

*”Your done using me” (because asking someone to watch their own kid is using them)

*He stayed with me ‘to’ f*cking long

*I better get ready to pay a huge f*cking tax bill (I’ve already filed my taxes) and he’s going to amend our previous tax returns to stick it to me.

*He hopes I get a disease because I deserve it

*****Then he calls and I let it go to VM and he says he can bring BS up north with him tomorrow.

Screw that.

I called the crisis center and have options to decide on.

This is scary the way he flipped out over nothing.

It could be because the divorce judgment arrived in the mail - finalized!

Or it could be because his little warriors saw me out for lunch with someone yesterday and reported me. . .

How does he have time for all this sh*t if he is dating an anesthesiologist???!!


I love dogs's picture

I hope this "doctor" he's dating leaves his ass! After the second or third harassing message, I'd have politely responded: "Please stop harassing me. Your messages are being saved and reported to the police."

--figureditout--'s picture

Holy shit. Is he bipolar? Seriously?

When my DH goes manic, he acts like that. Accusatory and very assholish. I am sorry that you and Mr. Toddler are going through this. I am glad that he is the ex, though. You are a strong woman and smart to boot!

Paintcrisis's picture

i always thought he wasn’t because he was on antidepressants but now I wonder if he wasn’t diagnosed correctly.

hereiam's picture

No, YOU stayed with HIM too long. And really, who was using who? He was the one who always wanted to dump his kids on you, so that he could go do what he wanted.

There was a whole lot of projection going on in that rant. Loser, indeed.

bananaseedo's picture

Absolutely!!!  Gee, remember how many times he used you to dump HIS kids on.  This is HIS kid also as much as yours-but we can see where he see's all his kids as inconveniences.  Douche bag.  Glad that the divorce papers are signed and done....made my heart skip a beat!  lol

DaizyDuke's picture

So we all 'new' this idiot had mental issues.  He apparently hasn't been taking his meds?  Maybe his anesthesiologist friend can help him out with that?  I absolutely think 'your' doing the right thing by filing for a RO (assuming that's what you were referring to when you say you went to the cop shop?) I mean he blatently threatened you and your pastry chef.  He is vastly unpredictable and unstable.  It would be one thing if you were inserting little snide comments in between his rantings and setting him off, but he was just on some psychotic freight train of fuckery for no reason!

Paintcrisis's picture

I went to the fuzz today. . . They took my statement and took photos of the texts. I didn’t respond to ex so it was all one-sided.

Then they called him, told him they have photos of the texts and warned him to lay off. Ex said ‘ok’, LMAO!