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I survived the graduation trip!

omgstop's picture

Hey everyone! So backstory here: Basically, I was freaking out over having to deal with my parents during my son's graduation.

The bottom line is this: I stuck to my plans with my son and did not allow ANYONE to make either one of us feel guilty for not going along with *their* plans. Things could not have gone better and my mother now has a very clear understanding of how our relationship is going to work. I didn't engage in any of her shit-talking or guilt-tripping and I actually enjoyed myself.

Just wanted to give an update since I was so OMGOMGOMG before I left, thanks for reading!


omgstop's picture

LOL can't wait to see the drama that ensues when my osd graduates next year; been estranged from Voldemort since December of this year and for the two years prior to that they only spoke sporadically. OSD wants ZERO to do with that woman so when graduation rolls around...let's just say I can hear the "ding ding" from a boxing match when I think about it lol

omgstop's picture

Thanks so much! It was super empowering and I credit you guys that all advised and encouraged me!

omgstop's picture

Thanks! It's funny when I think about it because I am a pretty articulate, outspoken girl, but with my mom I finally just gave up and allowed her to be in control rather than fight. No more! Also being two time zones away helps lol