Multiple counts of BM being difficult just for the sake of being difficult
SS called to talk to BF yesterday. Apparently he has a sore throat and doesn't want to come on visitation this weekend (so we're starting this again it seems). Well, BM offered to let BF have him next weekend to make up for it, meaning that we'd have him two weekends in a row. We can't do that, though, because we already have plans to be out of town next weekend. BF suggested that maybe he could have SS three weeks from now, meaning he'd have SS three weekends in a row. This wasn't acceptable to BM. Why not? I must ask. She gets SS three weekends in a row since he's not coming this weekend. Oh yeah, plus the fact that school's out and she doesn't work, so he's with her every day of the week too...Why is it not acceptable that BF see SS three weekends in a row?
On top of that...SS was born with a skull deformity, and during genetic counseling we were told that depending on the reason (genetic or spontaneous) of SS's skull deformity, we had between a 1 and 50% chance of our baby having this deformity. BF signed a release so that they could get the records from SS's genetic testing from when he was a baby so we could get more information. We found out that SS was tested for three of the four genes that are linked to this deformity, and all of them were negative (suprising, BM has been trying to tell me that they said it was genetic and came from BF...bitch). The fourth was not discovered until the late 90's after he was born. They said they'd happily test SS for the fourth and final gene to completely rule out genetics if we wanted. BF and I both knew that BM would say no, but he asked anyway. She, of course, said no. He just said, "Well that's ok, we all knew you'd say that anyway." She asked who he meant by that. "Oh...Nymh, me, the doctors, the genetic counselor...they've all worked with you before and we were all pretty sure that you'd be difficult, but we figured we'd give it a shot anyway. We have it narrowed down to a 2-5% chance but we thought that you'd cooperate in helping us getting it down to 0%. But don't worry, we'll just live with the 2-5% chance."
He said she was pretty speechless after that. Then she said, "Well, if it'll make the difference in the health of Nymh's baby (notice she pointed out it was my baby, not his...) then I'll consider it." He just told her not to worry about it.
- Nymh's blog
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get use to it
my SS mom and my Hubby just signed a parenting plan, hes 10, they never had one before untill after we got married THEN she decided to start being difficult. SS lives out of state and she allowed us 6 weeks in the summer, one week during the school year during one of his weeks off and EVERYOTHER christmas, he lives out of state, she thought 6 weeks was even to long for him to be gone from home?
she treats him like a baby. the worst part of it is that my hubby actually agreed to her terms, ( he didn't want to spend anymore money on lawyers to get nothing more then what she was giving him anyways) so yea he's partly to blame for the short visit agreement, i love my SS but i am to the point of "hey not my kid, not my problem" shes only hurting the little boy, she already hurt my hubby when she took him and moved out of state, and she sure isn't hurting me.
I guess I don't understand....
Why can't you just have it done anyway? BF is just as entitled to take him to the doctor too. Or is it because you only have him on the weekends? Can't you make special arrangements? Curious.
“Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong- sometimes it's letting go.”
That's it
We don't get him until 6:00PM our time on Friday, which is 7:00PM at the doctor's, which is about 1.5 hours away from where BM lives. So there's really no way we could get the tests done unless we did it on the one full week that we have him this summer...but BM is the kind of person who won't give us a solid date for that week for the entire summer and just keeps putting it off, meaning that about 2 weeks before school starts we'll be getting SS on a spur-of-the-moment, "if you don't give him to me for my week we're going to court" type of deal.
*~So sayeth Nymh~*
That sucks. There's got to be an option...
Is he in school? I can't remember how old he is. Too bad you couldn't take him out of school in the morning, get the test done, and drop him back at school at the end of the day... tee heee.
“Some people think it's holding on that makes one strong- sometimes it's letting go.”
He's out of school for the summer. But even if he wasn't, the kid already misses 4-6 days per month on average because he just doesn't want to go to school...I wouldn't want to do like his mother and keep him out of school even more than he already misses
*~So sayeth Nymh~*