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It didn't go too badly (EDITED) On second thought...

Nymh's picture

BF came home from the birthday party all in one piece. He was really glad to have gotten to see SS, and said that SS really liked the present he got him and was very happy to see him. Apparently BM didn't say much to him during the party, which was a shock to me. I'm so glad that she put her beef aside long enough to have a good party for SS with no drama. That came afterwards Smile

She had called an hour or two before the party to inform BF that I could not come due to the restraining order and he would have to come "alone, by himself". So a few hours after BF gets home, BM calls. She was very polite, and thanked him for coming to the party and said that SS really liked his gift. Then she says, "You could have brought Nymh a piece of cake..." BF said, "Yeah right...we're not having this conversation." She asked why, and he explained that he really didn't feel like getting into an argument and that's where it would lead. She then asked him if we were "getting married or something". Again, he said he wasn't going to talk about it. Then she asked him if I was pregnant. Finally he just hung up on her.

The next day, she called, and all she said was that she "really liked our new pictures", then hung up on him. Neither of us have any idea what this means, but the way she said it is the way she says things when she's found something out about us that she feels is incriminating or something she thinks we were trying to hide from her. Like trying to rub it in our faces that she's found out something new about us that we didn't want her to know. But like I said, neither of us have a clue what she meant because we haven't posted any new pictures anywhere of either of us, much less both of us...

So I'm relieved (and surprised) that the party was a success, but not at all surprised that the drama didn't wait long afterward to start back again.

On second thought, maybe I was wrong. Apparently the "new pictures" she was talking about was the myspace profile picture change that I made the other day. I hate that she knew within minutes that I had changed my profile picture - just shows how obsessed with me she is. But at the same time it gives me some strange form of security that she hadn't seen the picture before I made it my profile picture, thus ensuring that she has no access to my private pictures and blogs. She was very condescending, saying that I had cheap sunglasses and that I had obviously cut my hair to look like hers. Um, sorry, no...YOU'RE the one obsessed, not ME... Then she had the nerve to say on our answering machine, "I also wanted to let you know that I don't appreciate how you ran your hands all over me at the party, I thought it was very inappropriate and I hope the girlfriend is sitting there listening because I think she deserves to know!"

When we listened to that message, I literally busted out laughing. I wouldn't believe it in a million years, but it sure is funny! I just wish there was something I could do to mess with her back but with the restraining order there's really nothing I can the fact that I'm so over all this drama and games!


OldTimer's picture

to get under your skin. You know, I would play with her! LOL... I mean, come on, I'd say... Why YES, we are... TOMORROW in the BAHAMAS...

Oh, really? You like the photos? That's wonderful. Just play with her, I mean she certainly would be surprised. LOL.

I bet you the comment about the photos, my first thought was that she wants you to think she's got some PI out on you, spying on you, I bet that she's so immature as to think and believe you'll fall for it. Stupid, isn't it?

I'm glad the party went well, I won't have eaten, nor accepted, a 'slice' of cake either! LOL... Just my paranoid mind telling me something won't be right there, if you know what I mean... LOL.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

Chocoholic's picture

How long is the restraining order in effect? How did she get it in the first place? When my dh's ex filed for a restraining order against me, I countered it and the judge granted mutual orders against one another.... Just curious....

On another note, your Psychologically obsessed ex sounds awful familiar! I think its funny that they are pitiful enough to follow us around and obsess over every detail of our lives.

Nymh's picture

Actually, I was the one who sued for the restraining order. It lasts for a year which is about 10 more months.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

laughterandtears's picture

I have to agree with Stepmom. I used to live for the day I could piss off the BM. She used to call DH before he was DH and tell him the kids told him I was pregnant, we were getting married, ect.. and I would be in background going, "Hey honey, what did the doctor about the ultrasound? And can we get married before I start to show?" Knowing full well that i was neither pregnant nor engaged to Dh at the time but it sure was fun to hear BM go ballistic over it!!


OldTimer's picture

So I can totally relate. I am very cautious myself, but when I feel comfortable or confident with others, than I'm okay with some info, but I usually don't get too carried away with diverging all my info out. Just enough, but that's me personally protecting myself.

So, on the other hand, I can see the other side of things. I've never been very trusting of people. I got burned too many times, so no matter how much someone will tell me, I probably never will give my full name. I'm too cautious for that. Oh, I'll give you pictures, and events in my life, and share, but I may never completely share everything, and it's only in means to protect myself... tooo many weirdos out there. Had a bad dealing with a bad ex that well, did stalk me for quite some time. He too also tried to cohort me online, would go into chat rooms (I never really got into the chat room thing) and use my name as ID, or frequent the game sites I visited, etc. I used ICQ with many of my friends at the time, and somehow or another, he was able to find me. It was annoying. I'd block him, change, whatever, but he figure it out again.

So, I understand about privacy. Even on my myspace, I'm still private, but I think we all here understand that, and I don't mind sharing with you ladies! Wink Besides... that's all I have for friends these days... LOL... I'm so pathetic, sad isn't it?!? (I'm kidding) LOL...

I'm sorry Nymh that you are having to deal with that on top of everything else. It's soo messed up.

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...

happysomeday's picture

She's really pathetic and crazy- I can't imagine anyone who would be so willing to embarrass themselves that way. How old is she?

Nymh's picture

She's 39 - 17 years older than me. She's old enough to be my mom. I think that's part of her problem.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

Chel Bell's picture

if that's what she wants.....make your profile pic's very interesting, for example: you & DH kissing, with a really cute headline, a "mock" pregnancy pic...stuff like that. Try to have fun w/ it.~ " I started out clean, now, I'm jaded"~ Rob Thomas, Matchbox 20