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Contact from BM

Nymh's picture

I just don't have the patience for this right now. BM's alter ego sent me a message yesterday for the first time in months (since BM's internet has been turned off). Apparently, she's gotten wind that we're moving and was asking about that and the baby and whatnot. I talked to my friend who happens to be BM's only friend and confidante, and he said that BM also talked to him yesterday for the first time in months. This morning, BF got an email from BM claiming to be from SS which really upset him - also the first internet contact he's had from her in months. So apparently she's gotten her internet back. Either that, or she is spending the night somewhere that has internet because one of the messages came at 4:20 AM. I just wonder how stupid she thinks I am to not realize that the first message I get from this person she's pretending to be in months happens to be within hours of the first contact from her to two other people over the same span of time.