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BF finally broke down

Nymh's picture

BF has been so strong through all this, and finally the other night he broke down. It came after several hours of snappy remarks, arguments, and even him talking about leaving. Finally he realized the reason why he was so upset and that he was taking it out on me because he felt like I was all he had.

He broke down crying that night as we lay in bed, sobbing over how much he missed his son. That day he was doing some work in BM's town and on his way back home he realized he was behind SS's school bus. He said he kept speeding up and trying to get as close to it as he could to see if he could catch a glimpse of his son, or watch him get off the bus. He never did get to see him, though...which honestly I don't know if that's good or bad because this might have been even worse if he DID see him, even for that split second.

My heart breaks for my BF and my SS. We all know how often our men cry, and this man has only cried a handful of times in the three years that I've known him. I hope that things get better soon.

BF's attorney informed him yesterday that the papers she's serving for suing BM for contempt of court also include a petition to change custody to BF. She said it's a long shot, but stranger things have happened. BF's attorney is just as upset over this ordeal as we are and she's ready to do whatever it takes to make things right. That made me so happy! I'm hoping for success with that but keeping my head down here on earth because I realize that it probably WON'T happen...but it's the first step and maybe BM will realize that her parenting is not guaranteed and that we mean business!

If you can, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. It's getting harder every day, and it was already hard enough as you all know. Thanks so much to every one of you for being here for me. *hugs*


Little Jo's picture

Even though my head is spinning with my shit plate and I may not have read all of the updates on the site. Your situation has not left my mind. I worry so much for you and your men.

You certainly have my prayers and support. Jo

ginny's picture

My husband got custody of his son last was a true miricle, like your attorney, ours was willing to go the distance....dont give up prayers are with you & your family. Ginny

Step2be's picture

I feel for you so much. My BF has done the same when he is missing his girls. I'm glad we can all be here for each other. I hope things get better for all of you soon!


loonybonusmom's picture

in our situation, which I know is not yours, before we found a lawyer, I sent back the paperwork declaring we contested bm's wishes and were seeking custody as well. It was a long shot and only a dream I knew but when we did get to the lawyer, she told me it was a smart move because a. bm will take notice of that and b. in the end, she did more work that worked in our favor. no we did not get custody, but it did work in our favor to show her we would go that far. GOOD LUCK

Riley's picture

Give yourself credit for trying, which is 90% of the work. So many parents think about taking action, talk about taking action, and dream about taking action. But that's as far as it gets. Years down the road as they are commiserating about the anguish of not having custody or reasonable visitation it falls on deaf ears because they didn't try.

It takes courage and tenacity. Tonight when you lay your heads on the pillow, know that prayers of courage and wisdom are said for you, by name.