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Father asks Step-Father to also walk Bride

notsurehowtodeal's picture

A Bio-Dad briefly stopped the wedding ceremony to ask the Step-Dad to also walk his daughter down the aisle. Step-Dad was surprised and started to cry. Bio-Dad admitted the last 14 years had not always gone smoothly, but said it was the right thing to do as the Step-Dad had also raised her. There are stories about it from several sources. Check out the picture - you can see the emotions in both their faces.

No mention that I could find if there is a Step-Mom or if she was included in any special way.


Vivian7's picture

I participated equally in the ceremony of my DSD wedding. BM and I and the groom's mother all did the unity candle. DH and SF walked her down. We didn't have any drama. I also got to go dress shopping. She was gorgeous on her day.

I have a terrific stepdaughter... And since I have no bio kids, it meant the world to me. I've been her stepmom since she was 6.

winter80's picture

It's just so laughable. I had to sit on my hands to not respond to it by re-posting the same article on my wall with a much different caption...

Glassslipper's picture

Believe it or not, this will most likely be the same situation at my daughter's wedding. My exH does recognize DH as the kids dad when they are not with him and on several occasions has stated so. I already plan to have 2 mother/son dances at my son's wedding or split our song so SM and I can both have a mother/son dance.
When we were planning to make T-shirts that said "kids mom" on the back, I planned 2 that said "mom" on the back, one for me and one for my kids SM.
We have 50/50 custody and let's be honest...she is raising my kids JUST AS MUCH as I am!
Now as far as my skids, I'm sure BM will not even allow me to be invited to the wedding and insist that DH sit in the back row while her husband does it all.
Or she will let us come and then give a drunk speech about how she suffered as a single parent while we lived in the lap of luxury watching her suffer, we also have 50/50 with BM but she likes to be the victim and cause drama.