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Loosing my mind

Ninja chick's picture

Easter went ok she wasn't there. When she finalley picked up the kids from FMIL an hour late she saw me there while pulling up and threw her arms up at me and stared me down. This is ridiculous and if we would of been at my house I would have actually done more then just stand by and watch. I can't put up with being treated this way much longer. I know I shouldn't let it get to me but the kids aren't his so I shouldn't even have to deal with it. (read my past post you will know why he takes care of them) How do you deal with a BM that is an insane bitch and you would like nothing more then to beat her. I feel like I am going to explode with anger and frustration btw her, SD4 and my BF. He just doesn't get it ignore it, why do you even care, look my daughters going to be like that with you your not her mom....well ur not her dad. And screw that at 4 rather I liked it or not it was yes mam/sir, no mam/sir please and thank you no matter who you where and my parents split when I was her age. She was younger and they split for a year once before! She's 4 and I am an adult and will be respected. I know it's not going to be 100% of the time but 4 and a half years old it should be a lot of the time. I'm tired of hearing well my mommy let's me so I'm going to. I'm loosing my mind and need advice bad.


livizzle's picture

It sounds to me like your FH needs to have a chat with BM, and let her know that it is NOT acceptable to treat you the way she does.

Our BM used to pull similar crap, until DH (then my FH) told her that she needed to get the hell over the fact that we were getting married and put on some big girl panties.

newmom01's picture

Girl you are NOT married to this man with his FAKE kids!!! Run and live a less stressfull life...I read your other posts last week I think.....I know you may care or even love him ...but this is nuts...Fake kids and a fake baby momma all of them can get lost!

Auteur's picture

Your SO has to step up to the plate. EVERY TIME that SD says "well mommy says this" or "mommy does it this way"
SO has to intervene and INTERRUPT the little cherub and say "you're at dad's house now so we do things different here; it doesn't matter what mommy does at dad's house"

And keep at it until it's nipped in the bud!!

Of course it sounds like your SO won't do this and is a classic guilty daddy. . .and that SD has "adult spousal status" already.

I'd run like hell!!