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newtothis03's picture

Ok so I feel I need to give some background on my DH and his family before continuing:

DH's mom was young when she got pregnant. And wild on top of it. DH's dad ended up leaving when my sweetie was 2 and would pop in again once DH turned 15 for about a month and then disappear, and again when he was in his early 20s and disappeared and then popped up again now.
DH's mom was wild (drugs, booze, you name it) and didn't want the responsibility of a child. DHS finally got involved when a neighbor had called about a crying baby. His grandparents were contacted and found out their daughter had left DH and his sister in the apartment ALONE for a day or so. So his grandparents end up getting custody of him and his sibling. And of course DH's mom tries to play the victim BUT she was found in a completely different county high as a kite with 3 random guys. And some of the things I have heard that took place...I may not have any children of my own but I just can't find it in myself to understand how a mother could put her children through any of it. This has a lot to do with my feelings of "going behind our back" with the SD. I feel she needs to try to mend her relationship with her son first. Then go from there. After seeing the family dynamics I am so proud of my DH for turning out to be the man he is and so thankful his grandparents were there.
Anyhow, our wedding is in about 25 days (yay!!!) and i late last night my phone beeps and i had gotten a message on Facebook. I look and its from DH's dad. He wanted to know why he wasn't invited to our wedding. UM HELLO!!!! I don't even know you for one and DH really doesn't know you for another. I told him that DH only invited family and a few close friends. He then asked me if he wasn't family. What the hell did he want me to say to him. I just told him if DH wants him there, DH will contact him. Also wanted to know how to contact BM so he could see his granddaughter. HELL NO. I'm not even opening that can of worms. I told him DH needed to be the one to make that decision. Sometimes I really wonder what goes thru ppl's minds


newtothis03's picture

DH's mom has cleaned up a bit the last four years. NA meetings, AA meetings, and so on. And she tries to play the victim and go on and on about how ppl took advantage of her during a time she was weak. Um left your kids ALONE for an entire day to fend for themselves while you were busy getting wasted. WTH did you think would happen. Her parents stepped in and were parents to her children.
And now tries to make up for her mistakes as a mother with her grandchildren.
DH's father is crazy to just think he can walk in and out and DH would just welcome him in with open arms. DH has seen his dad maybe a total of 5 times his entire life. Come on dude, really.

BSgoinon's picture

Hmmmmm.... I am almost certain that your furture FIL, is my current FIL. The only difference is, DH did invite him to our wedding, but he didn't come. And got really angry that DH and I didn't pay for him and his wife to fly out for it, and stay for the week. Ummmm.... I don't think so weirdo, you got a sympathy invite because we basically KNEW you couldn't afford to come out anyways. You are lucky you got that much.

hismineandours's picture

Some people have really bizarre ideas about what "family" actually means.