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Reporting from a happy place

newbie88's picture

Things have been so good recently that I am not even sure if it is post worthy but I figure HEY why not, I'm allowed to be happy on here! Right? At least I think I am, I don't often see happy posts so I just needed to make sure lol KIDDING! I love you all, I am more at ease knowing there are people out there who either are experiencing or have experienced the same thing I am!! <3

I am in a great place with my DH, things are actually going very well with BM and things are going well with DH's rents! Let's just put it this way that my relationship hadn't been an easy one coming from any side!

I worry that things will take a wrong turn soon, my DH and I are looking to purchase a house about 45 minutes away from where SS lives. We have SS every other weekend so it won't really conflict with our time with him. We will be where SS lives pretty frequently so we can see him then as well. I worry that BM will some way be able to stop us from moving there.

Do you think the courts can stop us from moving there? Like I said it is only 45 minutes away and we have him every other weekend. I cant see why they would stop us but before we make any drastic decisions over here I want to be sure! I know I should probably speak to somebody but I figured I would ask you guys and see Smile


henrythedad's picture

A happy post??? Girl, you give us hope!!!! PLease continue to post. I have all my fingers and toes crossed that it stays good for you. Seriously - GOOD LUCK and sending happy thoughts your way!!!!!

newbie88's picture

Yeah there would be no change to anything, the agreement is that he picks him up and drops him off so it would be up to us. I am not sure why that's how it is but whatever, it works.

It's 45 minutes away and since we only have him every other weekend it doesn't effect his schooling or anything so no issues there.

Hopefully everything goes alright, wouldn't want to put a down payment on a house and then be told we have to pull the offer Sad