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Update on SD17's grades

NCMilGal's picture

Turns out the kid was telling the truth. Or so we'll see.

Her AP Government teacher had failed to put assignments in the grade book, and when SD17 produced the graded assignments, he fixed it.

The PNW History teacher is the flake. Apparently, all assignments are completed in the classroom, and SD17 has missed a few days due to illness. (Which we knew) Two of the assignments he admitted that SD17 had turned then in, but he had lost them, so if she wanted credit, she needed to redo it.

I'll be teaching her how to keep herself and others accountable. I'll also be checking on her to make sure she keeping up on it.


whatwasithinkin's picture

SD17 her sophomore year came home and told us the same thing, the first marking period she was right also. By the 3rd marking period she claimed to still have the same problem with the teachers but .....low and behold the issue has been resolved after the first marking period and SD was not the problem...
