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Yesterday Vs Today

Mumof8's picture

Yesterday the court requests for not just my husbands financials, but mine, and my employees, as well came in.  Three years ago when we went to court she owed us child support, but we agreed to waive that, pay her 100 a month, and pay all medical because we wanted the kids safe and it gave us primary custody.  Now that we are going to court AGAIN (because of her pedophile boyfriend who she conveniently broke up with AGAIN), and we own our own business, she wants to see how much she can potentially get.  Now, we have always been honest, and she has always lied about income.  She is after all "a poor single Mom" who is actually NEVER single and always getting money from boyfriends/husbands, and family.  When the requests came I was upset and frustrated, BUT that was yesterday.  Today, I am realizing that two facts exist.  One, she wants primary physical custody.  If she gets this my life becomes infinitely easier because I will flat out REFUSE to take the kids on her time and neither will my DH.  Second, we are at a point where child care can only be charged for ONE child.  Third, that will end in three years.  Four, I have driven those kids everywhere.  I have put my life on hold going to schools to get them when they are sick or injured or expelled or suspended.  Driven them to school every morning, and picked them up after school from half day kindergarten and full day.  Then driven them to her home in another city for SIX FING YEARS!!!  I will have SO much free time if she gets what she wants.  My little ones will finally be my only priority.  I will have less expense.  I will be free from seeing her resting Bitch Face every day of the week, and won't see it on weekends.  I can join a gym, I can hike, I can take a bath!  I can prepare sexy nights with my DH and have them!!!!  Forget Yesterday, today is looking great!


Just J's picture

Who exactly did the requests come from? BM? Her attorney? Or the actual court/judge? If it was anyone but the judge, I'd tell her her or her lawyer to pound sand. You didn't make those kids, you have zero financial responsibility for them. And she has no right to know what your employees make! That's absolutely none of her business.

If your business is jointly owned she may be able to see it's worth or what the business itself makes, but not your specific income. You are not a party to their custody or child support case. Greedy biotch!

susanm's picture

Agreed.  Check with your attorney.  Your income has absolutely nothing to do with the case in most states.  But that won't prevent her from getting primary if your DH doesn't fight her.  It just means that the child support is between them.  It sounds like you are more involved than you want to be already and are looking forward to having her actually raise her own children for a change.

Mumof8's picture

The request was made by her attorney with filed papers with the court.  Our attorney objected.  We will find out soon what will happens I guess, but yes, she is greedy and a Biotch.

iamlosingit's picture

Not sure where you are from, but in MN even though they can't count your income towards Skids, they CAN count your income as freeing up some of DH income since they assume that household expenses are being split.  DH "cost of living" is decreased, more $ for BM.  This happened to my cousin right after he re-married, BM never married and saw dollar signs when she found out.  His CS increased but he didn't share how much.  Luckily our CS case has not been revisited since it was established, but I feel a storm brewing. 

beebeel's picture

Huh? I live in MN and I have always blacked out any of my financial information requested for court. I have never heard of a SP's income counting toward anything regarding CS in this state. I think your cousin is confused as to why his CS increased or they were dumb enough to offer information they were not required by the judge to submit. 

susanm's picture

Exactly.  BM or her attorney can ask but unless it is requested by the court or state child support office you do not have to hand it over.

ESMOD's picture

I think I understand why they want her income and the business information.  Let's say that the goal is to minimize what her DH earns.  They could pay him "minimum wage" and OP could be paid 200K/year salary.. They are looking to see if there appear to be steps taken to minimize what he earns for CS purposes.  So normally you wouldn't need to see that spouse information.. but they are more financially linked due to the business.

Mumof8's picture

I was working and then was let go because of pregnancy.  I used $1500 to rent a building and started a business.  I run and manage ALL aspects except a portion of the skilled labor.  My DH works there as well (more so since the birth of DD1.  He earns and owns 49%.  The difference is that I am the one who paid to organize and start the company.  His income is NEVER hidden.  BM however, gets 56,000 and does t have to disclose, NeVER provides bank statements, but gets ours, and NEVER gives proof of anything.  She demands it though.  Also, we have majority custody, pay ALL medical ALONE, all LEGAL, and do all the driving.  She is the liar.  

justmakingthebest's picture

You deserve a break for sure! I just hope that your lawyer sqaushes her trying to calculate anything with your income! That is insane! I realize that for business owners more tax documents get shown because there are benefits to owning a business and income that is not really realized-- but that has nothing to do with your salary or your employees!

Chmmy's picture

Good luck getting what is best for YOU! It would be nice to focus on your bios. Sounds like you did too much for the skids

CLove's picture

Sounds like some great things are on the horizon for you!