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BM Pregnant. Any possible issues with SD13 and BM craziness?

Mrs Katch 22's picture

BM's due with her second child in a few months. She's been seeing this guy for a couple of years. DH asked her if they're getting married, she said she doesn't know. BM said that SD used to call the future baby names (she's stopped lately). Before, SD told me that it was okay for US (DH and I) to have a baby, but not her mom.

My questions (if you've gone through this):
Did the new baby cause BM to butt out of your life?
Did it cause issues with SD/SS? Usually SD's because of the whole female rivalry thing.
I'm assuming this doesn't affect support, I could be wrong?
Any other issues you can think of.



CrystalRE's picture

BM had another child on Easter. This is my SD's (5 and 9) second half sibling since BM's divorce from DH. Both of the "new children" have different fathers. The "new children" have caused quite a few issues for my SK's. The first problem is that they have reverted back to "baby" behavior in order to fight for attention. The second is that it has made my SK's think that BM is immune from having to do anything for them becasue "she has all the other kids to take care of". As far as it getting BM to back off...not so much. I think it has made her worse in some aspects...especially because "baby daddy" hasnt even proposed to her like she had hoped.

CrystalRE's picture

BM...for a short lived period of time...actually acted like a decent mother while she was pregnant! That didnt last long!