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Survived the weekend

MotherTrucker's picture

Yes, we survived the weekend in KY. It was a good time... all except the drive home, the 6 ft snakes, the shitty cottages, and DH slapping SD in the mouth for back talking for the 1,000th time! It took 14 hours home because DH refuses to drive main highways! Stuck in the truck with 3 kids and DH for 14 hours!!!!! Other then that it was great and SD was very well behaved, other than the back talking, which stopped immediatley after getting her mouth slapped... imagine that!

I will be flying next time.


MotherTrucker's picture

Oh yeah! If I had to hear "I just want to get out of this truck" one more time I was going to lose it! We ALL wanted to get out of the damn truck! The only good thing is that we hit a 400 mile yard sale on the way home and it was great to get out and stretch and find some goodies!

purpledaisies's picture

Oh be careful there are a few who will her mad that SD got smacked.

But for real glad it went OK instead of worse

MotherTrucker's picture

I didn't smack her, DH did. And she deserved it. She had been warned several times that if she kept up the mouth it would get smacked and she didn't listen. I would never lay a hand on SD. That is not my place, but if my BioD's talked to me the way that SD was talking to me, I wouldn't hesitate to slap them on the mouth. My kids WILL be raised to respect their elders and by God they do. If anyone has a problem with that, then it is just that... their problem, not mine.