TO believe or not to believe?
So my DH being the loving, caring, GULLIBLE father that he is, trusted SD when she said that she did well on her spelling test and that she didn't have any work for the weekend. So Sunday morning he decides to go ahead and check. This is after a whole weekend of SD playing and having a grand ole time. What does he find... a failed spelling test, a failed math test, and a note from the teacher that says (yet again) that SD just doesn't even TRY and pay attention anymore, that she just doesn't care. DH was PISSED! He asked SD why she failed her spelling test and she said because she didn't study the words. That was the first answer. He asked her if she had taken the words home and she said yes, but BM didn't study them with her and of course she didn't take the initiative to do it herself.
So DH made her write each word she missed (even the ones that she didn't even try and write down, let alone spell right) 25 times. The whole time he questioned her on why she has been doing this at school. She said that she was late to school Monday because of counciling and she never got the spelling words. That was the 2nd asnwer of the day.
Then she tells me that she got the spelling words and she left them at school all week and didn't take them home to study at all. 3rd answer of the day!
At this point DH is pissed that BM hadn't taken the time to ask SD about the spelling words to make sure that they got studied so he texted her (the only way that he will talk to BM since she is such a bitch lately so we can have proof). BM said that SD told her that they didn't have any more spelling words for the year! :jawdrop:
Litle shit has turned into such a lier and manipulator. She (at 8 years old) knows how to lie and make every incident into something that upsets her so much that she can't even explain why she has done it. All she does is start to cry and say that she doesn't know why and stares at the ground and clams up. Now she is looking a summer school or tutoring and she doesn't even care. She is too worried about going back to BM's and playing with her friends after school everyday and doesn't even care if they keep her in the 2nd grade for another year.
I don't care anymore. If she wants to grow up to be a loser like her mother who lives off of everyone else so she doesn't have to lift a finger to do for herself, then so be it. All I know is that DH is upset about it all because his hands are tied. We punish her for her actions at BM's about school and BM does nothing so it makes DH look like the bad guy.
I so badley want to cancel her birthday party and sell the American Idol Live tickets we bought her. I know that would be going a little far, but if one of my girls were treating school this way you bet your ass that is what I would do. I already told her that DH and I decided that she will not be allowed to play Volley Ball at the Y next winter if she doesn't straighten her shit up.
- MotherTrucker's blog
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After we caught skid
After we caught skid plagiarizing his homework, swearing up & down he did his own homework, he "never" went online because he was "too busy concentrating" on his homework, "Shook always thinks bad about me, she's the liar", yada yada yada.
I googled the exact words he had written down & BAM, got 5 sites right off the bat that he literally copied & pasted. "Just how dumb do you think we are skid?" I just surrendered him to DH: "Here you go, none of my money will ever go towards your child's college education...he'll probably be thrown out for cheating"
No one goes from a straight D to straight Bs in one semester. BM can lie all she wants to her facbook friends but skid's not wasting my time. My BD got straight A's---skid can be a janitor for all I care. I did my part, the rest is up to him.
Wait... YOU'RE my SS14's SM
Wait... YOU'RE my SS14's SM too?? LOL! }:) Except he still gets Fs even when he cheats!
Sucks doesn't it? We'll
Sucks doesn't it? We'll probably get blamed for their grades too.
oh yeah it is all our fault
oh yeah it is all our fault for SD grades too. Even though BM has her during the week, every week. It is all our fault. Oh, and did I mention that it is our fault that if SD has to do summer school, BM's time gets taken away during the week to run her little ass all around?
LOL I'd be ecstatic if SS got
LOL I'd be ecstatic if SS got summer school. Get him out of the house more this summer.
That sounds like the road my
That sounds like the road my ss8 is going down. he doesn't pay attention to anything and we are pretty sure his relatives do his homework for him. I don't know if he is any better in school than before - he used to get red marks all the time and only after we had him a couple times during the school week it improved (but like I said, I don't know if it stayed that way since we don't get him during the week anymore). I know I didn't like school that much but I never flunked enough to re do a grade. it seems like these kids follow the same trend - get step mom, blame her or dad, have an attitude, be a brat and not give a hoot about school. I guess I didn't see that in the fine print when I got involved lol.
maybe for Christmas you can get her a broom? start her career off early?
LOL Random, or a burger
LOL Random, or a burger spatula.
Did you watch Dr. Phil
Did you watch Dr. Phil today?
There were parents on the show who believed what their daughter was telling them. That she was out with friends. That she was playing games on the computer. Really, she was a terrific manipulator who had everyone fooled.
She really was dating much older men (she's 15), saw a murder, and one of the married men she'd dated committed suicide, and she saw the body. She got molested.
Your DH really needs to look at this link and clips of the show. If he doesn't do something now, I'm afraid of what SD will be like and what will happen to her at 15.
ETA: He also needs to really spend time with SD and get to know what's going on in her life. He needs to find out if there are any issues going on in her life that he didn't know about and help her.
We have 50/50 so he spends a
We have 50/50 so he spends a lot of time with her. The fact that she refuses to tell him how she is feeling is the problem. She just clams up. BM just went through a divorce and moved SD out of her home and into her grandmothers house for 3 months and then just a few weeks ago turned around and moved right back in with the guy. That is what the fuck is wrong with SD. Her stupid mother.
I think he should still check
I think he should still check the link to the show out.
I also think he needs to talk with BM. He needs to say that SD really seems stressed/upset about something and he is worried that all the moving she's done recently is really having a negative impact on her. I think he needs to say that he is worried about SD's having this guy come in and out of her life and that it seems to be confusing her. This chat should be had from the angle of wanting what is best for SD and not from the angle of attacking BMs decisions (although they are not good ones).
BM in our case would be the
BM in our case would be the one to put skid in harms way. She trolls online for BFs. I've posted this so many times before but I'm going to keep on saying this because the crazy BMs in some of our lives, really need to walk away for good. She met a guy online, he flew to meet her--while skid was still a preteen, he LIVED with her SECRETLY for a couple months & he ended up beating her up so bad she had to go to ER. And she has the nerve to charge us with child endangerment!!! This woman is criminally insane!
This would be crazy if it were another person. But it's BM---her entire existence is a friggin Low Rent Lifetime movie that I just assume she'll involve herself in stuff like this all the time. Sickening
Trust me we have all sat down
Trust me we have all sat down and talked about it and SD has been in counseling for a few months now. BM wanted to pull her from counseling because SD seems happier now, and she does, but DH told BM he was still going to keep taking SD and the councilor agreed. BM says that all of SD's problems are DH's fault for marrying me and having kids (we have been married for 4 years and my oldest is 3. SD started having issues within the last year. Right when BM moved out of her DH house and started her divorce) She says that it has NOTHING to do with her divorce OR moving and that we are full of crap. Trust me it has been said and done and it doesn't matter unless she is willing to admit her faults. SD doesn't like being called out when she has done something wrong or when you tell her to do something she doesn't want to do. That is the extent of the problems for now. Her complete lack of care for school comes directly from her mother. SD is following the path that BM took in school. Do as little as possible to get by.