She didn't show up AGAIN
Yet again, BM said she would get SS. Again, she tells SS this in a phone call after his 1st day of school. He came home from school on Friday saying "I really hope mom picks me up today." I told him that she didn't give me a date and time, but he could certainly call her and leave her a voicemail.
It was heartbreaking to watch. "Hey mom, it's me, I was just seeing if you were getting me or not. I was really hoping you would come. Okay bye."
About an hour later he asked if he could spend the night at his uncle's if his mom didn't get him tomorrow. I told him I'd talk with BIL who always has his door open to SS whenever he wants to go.
She texted me 4 hours later. Asking if he would be up for a little while. I told her he would. She said she got out of work in an hour. I let her know that he asked to go to his uncle's if she didn't show up, but she was priority to him. She said he could just go to his uncle's and she'd pick him up for lunch/dinner Sunday. I let her know that this is having major negative effects on him. Her exact words:
"I understand I feel awful but at the same time I'm almost through the season and I will have a little more normalcy to my schedule for the kids."
She didn't call, text or show up on Sunday.
I went up to the house to paint for a few hours and my mom watched SS11 and BD2. BD2 is very attached to me and does not like when I leave. It's a huge issue every day. When I came home my mom told me she overheard SS tell BD that "mommy was home" when I wasn't. My mom said BD ran to the window and was looking for me for 10 minutes. She said she told SS that this was unacceptable. When I found this out I told SS if that ever happens again he would be grounded for the week-no TV no electronics. I understand he's hurting but that doesn't make it okay to be cruel. He and I had a long conversation about how he does not do these kinds of things. We talked about how he feels, which is difficult because BM has him terrified to "say the wrong thing". I explained to him none of this is his fault, his mother loves him the best way she knows how and she has a lot of work to do on herself. He fell forward into me and just sobbed.
When SO got home I told him what happened and that from this point on, she is to communicate with him only. All phone calls will be on speaker with his father, on his father's phone. I will not be a part of this child's heart being ripped out and I don't have anything constructive to say to this bitch. How could you? How dare you?
SS11 cuddled up next to me on the couch this morning while I watched for the school van. He just needs his mom. I'll suffice for now, but he needs his damn mother.
- mommadukes2015's blog
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this is just heartbreaking...
this is just heartbreaking...

Poor kid. Hopefully she
Poor kid. Hopefully she either gets her shit together or completely fades out. This whole "In&Out" crap that some of these parents do probably caused way more harm than completely abandonment.
This is so sad. I can't
This is so sad. I can't imagine letting my child down like that.
I do know how you feel. Our BM travels for work and she's sometimes gone for weeks at a time. She almost never comes home when she says she's going to so it's really hard when SD6 asks when she'll see her mother again. A few night ago I had to lay in bed with her while she cried herself to sleep cause she was missing BM. Of course, BM was supposed to be home today (she's been gone since 8/30) and she extended her trip until Thursday so she can see her boyfriend. Her loss, imo. She's missing out on watching her daughter grow up.
Thanks guys. i hate having to
Thanks guys. i hate having to watch him figure out the truth we all already know.
I feel for your SS, BM is
I feel for your SS, BM is making a monster out of him, thus I say again, it's time for SS to hear the truth...
I would simply teach the kid to understand that everything his mother says he should take as a pinch of salt, cause she can't keep her word. I will teach him to adapt quickly in life, if Mommy says she will collect you at this or that time, do not plan for it to happen, go on with life and if she does show.. then quickly adapt and enjoy the time with her, but do not sit around waiting for her...