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The one day of the year you'd think she'd call...

mommadukes2015's picture

And crickets.

My heart is breaking for SS11.

What a piece of freaking trash.


BethAnne's picture

Why isn't he calling his mom? Even if she is a piece of trash, if your ss loves her then you should be giving him the push and opportunity to contact her. It is Mother's Day, not his birthday/graduation/Christmas/other random holiday. I do not expect my mom to call me in Mother's Day. I call her. That is how it works for most people. My sd called her mom (we told her to and aided her in doing so). We wouldn't expect her mom to call her. It is Mother's Day, not kid's day. Maybe I am missing something?

mommadukes2015's picture

Yeah-he's been trying to reach her all day.

It's kind of hard to call your mother on Mother's Day when she doesn't even turn her phone on.

mommadukes2015's picture

Not even, the last number she gave us goes straight to "this caller is not available. A voicemail box has not been set up yet". Not even a ring.

I went as far as to contact both her sister and mother and the number we're calling is correct.

mommadukes2015's picture

He even got her plant after she PROMISED him she would see him today.

We spent time making cards.

What is even more sick, is that she called SO and made plans to see him-of course she called SO after telling SS11. We told him we would go anywhere/do anything to accommodate him seeing her today if she called or asked. I have 27 attempts on my cell phone, 12 on SO's and 4 from our house number. We spent time making a card for her-we encouraged him to spend time to get massively let down and that pisses me off more than anything.

This is not anyone's fault but her own.

Hennypenny's picture

Ugh. I seriously can't take this. Thinking of your SS with his card and plant, waiting for even the smallest gesture from her- I can't even.


mommadukes2015's picture

You want to know what blows even more?!

The fact that I helped and encouraged this shit.

All for him to be blown off. STILL haven't heard a word from her.