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I guess it's my day to be annoyed by everything :P

mommadukes2015's picture

So this morning I woke up at 4:30. SS12 (today) has been wetting the bed lately. I took him to the doctor and there is no medical reason for this behavior and it's really embarrassing for SS12 as it's only just started happening these last few weeks.

He wakes me up, he wet, we get him changed, his bed linins changed and the old ones in the wash. No sooner do I get him back in his room, then BD2 wakes up with enough energy to fuel a small country for a decade. The time is now 5:45 and I finally get #teamnosleep back to bed, then SO's alarms start going off to go to work.

Today is payday for SO so I check his accounts to make sure everything is set up for him for the day (he has a weekly allowance account) and his check did not clear. So I give him some of the cash I had on hand and tell him I'm going to make a deposit from the safe this morning to cover whatever auto drafts we have until he can find out what the deal is with his check (I'm assuming the small payroll department and Monday being a holiday will delay payment, hopefully just one day). Meanwhile, I'm putting up birthday balloons on SS's door so he can have a good birthday morning.

SO walks out the door at 6:30 which is what time I need to wake SS up to shower (you must be clean on your birthday). I always remind him to make sure the shower curtain is INSIDE the lip of the standing shower we have otherwise water runs all over the floor. Guess what I forgot to do? Guess what happened? So I get him out of the bathroom, prompt him to get dressed, put on socks and bush his teeth. Prompts that I will need to repeat 45 times before each gets done because well, Autism is fun sometimes especially on days like today where distractibility is at an all time high.

Get him dressed and on the bus for school at 7:15. He needs to start watching for the bus at 7:04 because his AM driver has been known to show up ANYTIME between 7:04 and 7:20 which makes my life oober fun because she'll beep the horn if he isn't out there, hell sometimes she beeps the horn even when he's in plain sight, thus waking up BD2. (You have to divide and conquer my kids if you are going it alone-I have both of them a wake and fully rearing in the afternoon and it could drive you to drink...heavily)

So anyway I have him out on the deck so she won't beep this morning because I would like to brush my teeth and get dressed before I wake the Kracken (BD2), but a-hole driver beeps, BD2 screams and I didn't get to bush my teeth this morning because BD wanted nothing to do with her morning routine today-screaming, yelling, limp noodling, peeing on the floor, spitting toothpaste all over herself and then refusing to put on her shoes.

I finally wrestle her into the car with the promise that she can "hold my money" aka my empty wallet on the way to daycare which is like a 5 minute ride. I took all the important things out-I've done this before.

So we get to daycare about 15 minutes late (8:15 I try to be there by 8)-which is often not too unusual- we're usually there between 7:55-8:20 depending. I switched BD2 to this new daycare in January which is like a mini-pre school but the DCP is like a dictator. My daughter got put in time out for saying she was angry last week which resulted in a long chat with DCP. Anyway, she's always making back handed comments and I don't even think she realizes how rude she is. When I got there, undressed because I didn't have time and really what was the point, I told her, "I'm sorry, bit of a power struggle this morning with the shoes" to which her reply was "well then throw her in the car with no shoes on, just imagine some of these parents have to get their kids here by 6:30. Maybe you should get up earlier."

I literally had to close my eyes and count my breaths because if I didn't the next words out of my mouth were going to be "F*ck you". But I just smiled and left.

THEN, now this is rather trivial and could be due to my lovely mood this AM,

one of my BFF's cousins who I am friend's with on Facebook posted a picture of two fidget spinners saying that her son who is 13 was playing at the local play ground and let one of the other kids there play with one of his fidget spinners which was not returned to him. She goes on about how heartbroken he is, and if it is returned "there will be no questions asked".

I looked that specific fidget spinner up online it is $10.38 . This is the same woman who for my BFF's bachelorette party, the same day as the bachelorette party, threw a $350 birthday party for her son but couldn't pony up $60 for the bachelorette party and tried to stick me with her portion. I don't know if I'm just being insensitive, but it's a fidget spinner, it's not a dog, or a family heirloom or a wedding ring, it's a GD fidget spinner that was just barely $10. But yeah, go ahead, start a witch hunt for the thing-her post had 28 shares. *eyeroll*


Monchichi's picture

It sounds like you had the morning from Hades with frills. I don't envy you at all. Try find your happy place and recenter yourself to get back on track with your day.

mommadukes2015's picture

I'm going to try. I just so annoyed with this lady like keep your comments to yourself, I'd like to see you run this circus. I'm sure she has a circus all her own, but she definitely has no understanding of what my day to day looks like and she puts these kids' parents who are teachers up on this pedestal and it annoys me.

zerostepdrama's picture

This sounds like a good plan.

I say this knowing very little about autism...but I was thinking my friend's daughter who is mentally handicap can do a lot of things that you listed. Her mom has been great with working with her so that she is independent and can do a lot of things on her own. Honestly when I am around her and see her doing things that my own BS isn't doing, it's a wake up call. Like if friend daughter can handle X task, there is no reason I shouldn't be making my own BS do it too.

I know mentally handicap and autism isn't the same but just trying to give a different perspective.

mommadukes2015's picture

That is a good plan. I copied and pasted it into a word doc. He's not going to want to hang it up though-which is fine. I'll put in on a clipboard under another page.

The thing with my SS is that BM did everything in her power to ensure that he fit the bill for Autism. She wanted that SSI check so bad it's disgusting. In fact, that check is the only reason she had an ADOS/ADIR done and when she got the report her only question to me was "Is this enough to get money" no inquiry about skill building, what this means long term, IEP/CSE-MONEY. She wanted the money. So, she never worked on a damn thing with this kid to try to "make sure" that they would give her the money (too bad it doesn't work that way) and I get him full time at 10 and I'm fighting an uphill battle 2 years in trying to make up for lost time. She never made him shower, would make him change his clothes now and again and wasn't sending him to school which is how we got him full time.

He is pretty good once you get him into a routine as long as it is cut and dry, any problem solving, like being out of clean socks, or breaking the zipper off his hoodie will completely throw him for a loop. For instance, last week he stood in the bathroom for 20 minutes when he was supposed to be showering because he went to get a towel out from the cabinet and there was only one. He uses 2 one for the floor and one for his body. Instead of saying something, or using an old towel, he just stood there saying nothing until I noticed the water wasn't running. He has missed the bus before because he was out of socks and just stood in front of his dresser until I noticed and asked him what he was doing-to which his reply was "I don't have any socks". It's like he has no ability to problem solve if it is a mundane task-if it's a video game he'll figure it out-which means that he can problem solve, he just doesn't, which is something that they at addressing at school.

With the wetting being on it's 3rd occurrence it's going to take me quite a while to get him into a routine that he can do himself because if he can't find a sheet, or doesn't have a pillow case he will just stand there, and wait until someone notices he needs something. It's one of the more strange behaviors I've encountered.

moving_on_again's picture

Oh wow - I hope the rest of the day is better!

There are some days that I am happy to get to work, haha!

Acratopotes's picture

happy belated blue Monday Wink Wink

from here on wards it can only get better Hon, relax and say eff this I'm going to go with the flow....

mm SS12 - wetting the bed with no reason... Hon the kid is busy with puberty,,,, it's wonderful dreams causing that..
it will pass lol

mommadukes2015's picture

ULLLHHHH BLAHHHHHH yuck yuck yuck. I thought for an iota of a second that may be it and then I immediately stopped because no. That is SOOOOOO the one area of parenting that is 100% SO.

I almost died at his physical when the physician told me he had stage 1 pubic hair. I was thinking "god this is so awkward. I didn't need to know that".

Acratopotes's picture

I had to deal with that crap.... granted was my own bio and no husband lol, I simply told Deigma.. I have no clue.. here call Grandpa lol... I knew but I felt not for me to explain dammit..

Guess you will have to talk to DH then and say, hummmm SS is of the age where I can not help him anymore.. he's a man now, you will have to assist him, I feel uncomfortable and so does SS... DH can deal with the real ma coy when it happens