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This is why I get so pissed off...

mom23ms's picture

So my FSD is suppose to be on the computer for school work and yet she ALWAYS ends up on AIM and messages her friends back and forth. BM has gone to the school and told her teacher what FSD was doing. That never stopped her she is still on it. Yesterday my SO told the BM that FSD was on AIM again at school and asked if she knew. She said she didn't know and that she would have a talk with her. So FSD messages her own father to ask if he is picking her up from school. He replied yes and for her to log off AIM now. She said okay. She didn't so he sent her a message that apparently went back and forth and again told her to log off. Again she didn't. He sent one more and said LOG OFF NOW!!!!! Do you think she would do it? NO! She logged off 15 minutes later. I told SO that he needed to talk to the teacher and I explained very NICELY that this is not acceptable because this is what she does when she is with ask her to do something and she totally ignores you.

This is really killing me because I know SO won't contact the school unless I push him. This is why I don't want her around because she doesn't effin listen and does whatever she wants. Fortunately they don't come back until Monday and SO is just picking them up from school and taking them back to the BMs house.


DaizyDuke's picture

I work in a school and I can tell you that these kids know every trick on how to get on FB, myspace, AIM etc. Our district has blocks set up for all of these things, but the kids know how to get around them. Our students have to sign computer "contracts" that state that they won't do these things, but of course it means nothing to them, they do it anyway and teachers just don't have time to walk around monitoring everyone's computer every second of the class.

Trust me I know how frustrating it is that these kids can't follow simple instructions!

mom23ms's picture

She is actually on the computer on AIM and I have AIM on my phone so when I turn AIM on my phone I can see her. She is claiming that it "automatically logs her on." That is the biggest BS I have heard. She is in trouble and throwing a HUGE tantrum about it. SO is going to the school Monday after work and going to speak to the teachers to make sure this is not true. She is now refusing to speak to SO. He is finally now at his wits end.

Rags's picture

My son (SS) and his buddy’s hacked the firewall at Military School and he flunked his Sr year of HS playing WoW with his SpermIdiot all night every night.

We had to bring him home, kick his ass, ride his ass like a cheap pony just to get him out of HS on time.

His deviousness and his SpermIdiot’s sneeky crap cost my wife and I tens of thousands of dollars in wasted Boarding School tuition.

Personally I think that electronics should be banned from schools and the kids should be taught the old fashion way. Pencil, Paper, Books, Articles, Etc.... Computers should be in a lab and the kids should learn how to use them the way that typing used to be taught in the pre-computer days.

We permanently took away access to computers from my SS-18 even though he is out of HS. He is a grouchy asshole when he has access to a computer because he can not do anything but stay up all night WoWing with the SpermIdiot or Skyping/FB/AIM with his friends.

No doubt he will buy his own computer when he can afford it and ruing his life but we will not facilitate the process for him.

IMHO of course.

Still Standing Strong n Spfld's picture

ditto! I totally agree w/u-Rags,the technology nowadays if not properly able to be monitored and ruled for our kids then it shouldn't be allowed.Like wearing your seatbelt and not clicking it

Rags's picture

He got his report date last week. April 12th. Got a call this evening from his recruiter his contract is in and he signs tomorrow.

Rags's picture

We are on the cusp of becoming empty nester DINKs. Biggrin

We are actually enjoying our time with him for the most part. He has calmed down quite a bit since getting his job (AFSC), his report date and now his contract.

The issue is that he is regressing back to his extreme procrastination and screwing up his sleep schedule so that he is worthless during normal waking hours.

My wife even climbed his ass this evening for procrastinating on getting the stuff we asked him to get done today finished. He was instructed to get the kitchen completely finished, the floors vacuumed and to get the broken bulbs in our outside lights replaced. We gave him money for the bulbs and for lunch so he could join the land of the living today. I had a Optometrist apt today for my annual diabetes eye exam so I got home earlier than usual. 5:00 today when we usually get home between 6:30 and 7:00.

I walked in the door which obviously startled him. He was upstairs doing something, the dishwasher was partially emptied, the carpet had not been vacuumed and he had not been out to get bulbs. He got really cranky when we told him to get the jobs done NOW! He was grousing about doing the bulbs when the lights were about to come on outside, they would be hot, blah, blah, blah. His mom got loud and said "If you quit arguing with us and do it you would have been done by now!" He huffed off and got it done.

The only thing that will fix this kid is maturity and maturity comes from time and experinece. Soon it won't be our problem and I have a feeling that he will not be arguing with his DI at basic.