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Been thinking...

mom23ms's picture

So two out of the three FSKIDS have had a nasty stomach bug so they have stayed at their mom's house. Though I would NEVER wish ill health on anyone (not even them) I. do have to say that the house has been alot less stressful. SO and myself are doing great, my biokids are doing good (they don't have to worry about their stuff being destroyed or being bossed around (my kids are younger then his.)) Anyway, so I have had alot of time to do somethinking...

I don't think it's possible for me to even bond with my FSKIDS even if some miracle occured and they started to act like semi "normal" kids. I have tried my hardest with them, I am never mean, I have never disciplined them, nor have I ever made a nasty remark towards them. I love my FDH. Is it possible to just learn to "tolerate" them? Am I horrible for not even wanting to try to attempt to bond with them again? I have attempted but....It kicks me in the ass each time.


starfish's picture

that's about all i do is "tolerate" skids. do i wish i never had to see their faces or hear their voices again ~ HELL YEAH! do i bitch about them all the fucking time ~ sure do. but i do manage to "tolerate" their existence!