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Montessori Update

Mocha2001's picture

Well, we heard from Andrea tonight ... she said she's getting ready to enroll Jacob in Montessori ... gees, I don't know how that woman thinks she can afford it given she was 2.5 months behind on daycare now, and almost 4 months behind on the HELOC. This isn't the first time for either ... she was 2 months behind at the previous daycare, and just 4 months ago was almost 6 months behind on the HELOC.

Anyway, we tried to keep it amicable ... we'll see how she handles it. We kept the "we can't afford it" and "you can't afford it" out of this first repsonse, so we'll see how it goes.

~ Katrina


luvdagirl's picture

It seems pretty obvious that shes trying to break your bank can't you have contempt charges brought since she hasn't been paying her part already and is trying to make more expense? That is ridiculous!!

Mocha2001's picture

We've gone to court to try and get the Montessori decision reversed, to no avail. As for the HELOC ... it is a pain in the A** to get a contempt on something like that. All they are going to do is tell her to pay ... if she can't, oh well!!! She'll pull her head out one of these days - I hope.

~ Katrina

Cruella's picture

Only part of the school tuition would be considered a work related expense. How did she get away with making you pay half of a Private school? I don't understand. Does the CO specifically state that DH is responsible for tuition? Sorry this legal BS really is making my head spin. I am trying to understand my situation as well. I don't understand how the legal system can justify the things they do. Not everyone has money for a private school. That is why there are public schools.

Mocha2001's picture

We agreed back in December at mediation that SS would start at Montessori in January 2007 - but there were no spots available. DH wanted SS out of the crappy daycare he was in (it was bad) so that's why the Montessori came up. BM tried to dictate to DH that SS would start Montessori in June, but DH said he couldn't afford it. BM said they would discuss it again as time for school came closer, but then turned around and TOLD DH that she was enrolling SS in September.

Because we agreed to Montessori the court is holding us to it - even though we now cannot afford it. And if you were only counting DH's income in December he couldn't afford it then, but when I had a regular paycheck ... we could. Not to mention the fact that tuition is only $610 (daycare right now is $635), but what got us and we didn't know about at mediation was the $4 per hour for before and after school care, whcih amounts to baout $20 per day.

We tried to move closer to SS in anticipation of this expense, and in the hope of me offering to do the before and after school care for SS, but because of what BM did to DH's credit with the HELOC crap, we coudln't get a house (buy or rent).

We sent an email to BM last night reminding her that SS won't get a nap, and she has to make his lunch and a few other things ... we are going to send one tonight expressing our concern for the financial side of things. I'm pretty sure this isn't going to be a smooth transition.

~ Katrina