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Anyone else feeling the Mother's Day blues? Kinda long.

misskiya's picture

I know a complain about SS5 a lot. It's true he's a defiant butthead more often than not. I'm still trying to learn to deal with that.

That being said, I'm the only mom he really has. I've been there for him for every day for 2 1/2 years. BM shows up three to four days a year wanting to see him. Outside of those special occasions, she doesn't even ask about him. A little backstory, BM has TWO children. She was a stay at home to raise both children, until she decided to run off and have an affair. Then she decided she didn't want to be a mom anymore. Why would she? That would tie down her sex life :jawdrop: . Gods forbid. She basically abandoned her children when SS5 was not quite two, and his half sister was four.

Here we are, less than a week from Mother's Day. I asked DH last Friday if BM had called to request time with him for mother's day or not. He's already scheduled to go to "Gran's" house for the Friday and Saturday before then. He said no, she hadn't asked yet, and he wasn't sure she would. Lo and behold, late last night, she texts him wanting SS5 for Mother's Day. She hasn't been heard from since January, when her whole family got together for x-country skiing in January (btw his birthday is in MARCH, no call then). Yet the answer is yes, she can have him. I get him back at 3 PM on Mother's Day.

This put such a damper on my day. We no longer have the option of planning a Mother's Day for me to spend with my kids. I'd love to look at the bright side and say "great! Alone time with DH and DD7, without the attitude" but attitude or not, it's just not a family even without the little bum. Complain as I may, I love him. I may have a difficult time raising him since DH and i don;t see eye to eye on a LOT, but he's still my son.

This morning he asked me to make a present for his "real mom" for Mother's Day. I'm currently making paper flowers and crochet craft for my mother, grandmother, and the bisnatch in law (wish I didn't have to for that one!). I want so much say "Hell NO!", but that would hurt him, not her. I hate this holiday.


whatwasithinkin's picture

I want so much say "Hell NO!", but that would hurt him, not her. I hate this holiday.

this statement highlights that although you may not have given birth to him, that you are the only real mother he has. Im sorry he will not be with you for mothers day.

forsakingallothers's picture

The little bum loves you too. Every time you give him love, you fill him up. He will need this in dealing with the other mother as she drains him dry.

Your purpose is clear. It is mothers day for you too. Way to go for standing up and being that for him every day of the year. Inspiring!

misskiya's picture

Thanks everyone. As much as I complain, and as difficult as he (and DH) can be, I really do love him. Which means I'll always be the one to jump through hoops and cancel my plans. Guess that's what having kids is all about though right? Smile

janeyc's picture

He is so lucky to have you, he dosn't realise what a loser his mother is yet, when he does he will need you even more, you are doing a great job, my ss6's mother is also very interested in her sex life, in fact ss says my mummy has a lot of sex, I want to strangle that woman, but all I can do is be there for her.