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I miss FSD3...

Miss Know It All's picture

Things are a hot mess right now with FDH moving himself and FSD3 back into the former marital home. I haven't seen FSD3 in almost a whole month and I find myself missing her. I miss FDH, too, because even when I'm right next to him, he's not "there."

He's depressed. And not the cosmetic kind where you're down, but you know you'll get better. The kind where you need intervention because you're destroying your life.

He's been drinking. Too much. He's been crying. He tries to hide it, but I don't believe for one second that his eyes are that red and puffy completely from allergies. He's alienated his friends, his family -- neither party showed to help him with the move and they all avoid him at family gatherings. He doesn't seem to realize he snaps at them and projects a "Stay away from me" vibe when he's with them. He's not interested in sex anymore. He thinks he's a bad father. He can't bear to put FSD3 to bed because she keeps crying for her mother inside the house she used to share with her mother. He can't stop himself from drinking and crying in front of her.

He's a disaster. And I cannot do anything to help beyond what I've already done -- taking him to counseling. Reminding him to eat. Reminding him I love him. And NOT ALLOWING him to justify his bad behavior with "I'm depressed." Because even if he IS, he's somebody's FATHER. He *has* to sort this out or lose me, lose his house, and lose his little girl one by one.

I hope it gets better. I hope I don't have to exit just to save myself. I hope, hope, HOPE that I never need call CPS on the man I love because he's passed out drunk in front of a three-year-old who can't work the smartphone well enough to unlock it and dial 9-1-1.


Done WIth It's picture

Gods....I hope that depressed man doesn't get drunk and hurt that little girl. He needs some distance from everyone until he pulls himself together.

His family isn't seeing him? Why...why is he making people stay away from him?? WHy haven't you seen the little girl?

That little girl isn't safe, no wonder she's screaming for her mother.

This sounds very frightening for the little one!

Miss Know It All's picture

Nope, just the drinking. Yes, I would know the difference.

FSD3 is in no imminent danger that I can detect. And FMIL is very much a helicopter parent. I have no doubt that she's "popped by" or is at least doing drive-bys at this point in time.

Really, it's him I'm scared for, not FSD3. For women who are partners of the clinically depressed or the alcoholics -- how do you do it? How do you be "supportive" without enabling or turning a blind eye to bad behavior...?

Miss Know It All's picture

Child's mother is in a new apartment, on anti-depressants, and has joint custody. I know little to nothing about her, but gossiping FMIL insists she's worse off that FDH in the emotional department. I do know she was involved in a drunk driving accident several months ago (FSD3 was not with her and it's not clear if she was a driver or a passenger, but it was her car).