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Got the job

MidwestStepmom's picture

So i was offered the tech job today, very excited. I didn't get the fashion job, I guess Im not educated enough to talk about camel toes. Good news though, I have another final job interview set up for next week. This is a company that I've always wanted to work for!

Now I'm debating how I want to submit my resignation letter. Do I keep it classy or go with bitchy?


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Congratulations!! I, personally, do NOT want to be highly educated in camel toe fashion.

Go classy. Keep it short and simple. You never know if you will have to work with someone again in the future and they might remember the bitchy.

My last resignation was short and to the point. It was in letter form to my manager with the current date in the upper right and the body said "Effective (2 weeks from that current date) I resign my position as Bullshit Artist from Piles O'Shit Company." And signed it "Sincerely, Aniki"

blayze's picture

Yay! Great going!
I vote classy too...then anonymously tell the world about them on Wink

MidwestStepmom's picture

I wrote up my letter. It's two sentences, I don't feel that I owe an explanation. I will be handing it in today. I'm super duper nervous!!!