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Off topic - just venting.

Midwest Stepmom's picture

So my other off topic blog was issues I have with my mother, yes I have mommy issues. So my mother and sister are at my house helping me bake for my baby shower this weekend. Mother has been calling me fat the entire day! Every time I ate something she would comment on it. I had a rough pregnancy with putting on weight in the beginning.

I wasn't a small person to begin with, size 10, but I can still get those clothes on. I've only gained weight in my belly and have been retaining water in my legs really bad. She makes me so upset because she is a size 12. She kept mentioning how she was only a size 5 when she was pregnant with me. I want to yell at her that I'm not caving my appetite like her and smoke cigerates!

Oh and did I mention I'm 8.5 months, so yes I feel and look like a hippo, but you don't need to point it out every two seconds!!!


askYOURdad's picture

Sounds like she is insecure and jealous. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. 8 months until delivery is pretty much the most uncomfortable and awkward time of being pregnant as it is, let alone having someone close to you say such mean things.

You are not fat. You are pregnant and your body needs energy and nutrients, curbing your eating would be selfish and unhealthy, you are already doing well mom!

PS- Congratulations on your pregnancy!

bluehighlighter's picture


Jsmom's picture

I have a critical family so usually, I walk away when this crap starts. But, the first thought out of my head was for you to respond, "I worry about my weight, you worry about yours and then walk out of the room, before she can respond. Seriously take the air out of her sails.

tabby yabba do's picture

It's a weird dynamic, but Moms can be hyper-critical of their daughters weight even when no problems exist. Almost every gal I know with an eating disorder has an uber critical mother who obsessed about the daughters weight. I loved my mom dearly but even she occasionally commented on the size of my rear end. Wth?

I'm not sure why this is, but I'm aware of it and never allow myself to comment on my daughters' weight (even SD12 who is plumping up of late).

((Hugs)) to you. Grow a big healthy baby and embrace your curves. Pregnant moms are rock stars.

bluehighlighter's picture

She sounds mean, my mother is too. I'm sorry she's so awful.

know that you don't deserve that!

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Next time she says something about your weight, nod , look suddenly very concerned, point to her face and say " omg. Mom, have you always had that wrinkle?"

Midwest Stepmom's picture

I've noticed my grandma does this to my mom, and then she does it to me. I hope to break the cycle with my kids. The ironic this is, with me being 8.5 months pregnant I only weight 10 pounds more then she does right now. I do hope to lose this weight after baby comes.

It's difficult to talk to my husband about it, because he doesn't understand strained mother - daughter relationships.